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text in function buttons desapeared


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I bought recently railmaster. i configured one loco. i got all the functon listed in Function DCC list, where i could test all of these functions, and change the text  of most af all. i  found also these functions in locomotive control windows ( small and large) with all functions active and with the good text i have done before.

but after a few days whitout using RM, all the text in the buttons deaspeared , in the two loco control windows. and for some buttons ( i.e. F2) when press it in the small box loco control, i have not the same effect ( sound) when i press the same button (F2) in the large window loco control  ...

however when i test the function in the configuration function DCC the result is OK.

i have some doubt about my loco configuration or with the saving of this configuraiton. i hope it is not a dysfunction of the software...

Thanks for your help...


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hello all,

sorry for this request : i found the solution of this issue . In the window for configuration of systel parameter you have a chek box ti choose either displaying F1 F16,  or displaying thje name for the sounds... i have change the tick to F1 F16...



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