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Stay alive decoders


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Forgive me if I'm wrong but I haven't seen anything like this from Hornby.

A couple of my loco's dont seem to like running over points without cutting out briefly and starting up again. This is on Hornby DCC fitted modern locos, mainly Flying Scotsman, Bon Accord and Mallard.

A, would a "Stay Alive" decoder solve this?

I have seen one available at what looks to be a decent price but only 0.8 watt. I presume this will be fine with modern locos?

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'Stay Alives' are very effective at masking these type of track point issues. I say 'masking' because the stay alive doesn't cure the underlying issue causing the power drop out, it only 'masks' it. Preventing it from being a noticeable issue.


And Yes, Hornby do not market any decoders with factory 'Stay Alives', although a 'Stay Alive can be retrospectively fitted to most decoders if you have very fine soldering skills and a very steady hand.




Regarding the 0.8W comment. Not sure what the 0.8W is relating to, as 0.8W equates to a current of 57mA at 14 volts. Not enough for a motor, even a modern loco one. Can you post the full text of this 0.8W documented statement in the context of the decoder specification, then it may make more sense.


PS - Are you sure it is not a typo error (either yours or in the source document material) as 8.0W would equate to a current of 570mA, a more realistic current specification for a motor decoder output.

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My first though when you said 0.8W was you actually meant 0.8amps or 800mA.  That's more than enough for you.


On stay alives, there are 2 types and I'm sure Chris will give you a link to previous discussion.  First type has a smaller capacitor value and will only even out rough running.  DCC Concepts are one supplier of these.  The other type uses super capacitors, so a much larger value and will keep a loco going over a break in track supply like on points.  These are more complicated and expensive than the others. You also have to consider the amount of room you have to mount either type.

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Stay alive from DCCConcepts will not solve the problem of stalling on insufrog points. as Fishmanoz said they will only smooth out rough running at low speeds. Stay alive from TCS and Lenz will completely stop stalling on pretty much anything as they can continue to power the loco ove many inches of dead track! The only issue is having enough space to fit them. 

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Stay alive decoders are a bit of a rip off. You can make stay alives easily enough, one electrolytic capacitor, a diode and a suitable resistor. Here's a link to nice little article on the subject.http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/54342-making-your-own-keepstay-alive-units/

The cost of making your own stay alive units is peanuts. The extra components are available from the likes of CPC and Maplin for less than a £1 usually. 

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...the Hornby "Sapphire" decoder which is pretty much useless...

Not at all sure what this has to do with stay alives as the Sapphire is just a decoder, not a stay alive decoder.

'Useless at what' would be my question.


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