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Changing CV5 or 6 : Maximum speed engine


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i am trying to set the correct speed for an ESU lokpilot4 decoder, according with the real speeds for the loco.

for CV5 the defalt value fixed by the manufacturer ( ESU) is 255. ( the maximum) and the allowed range is 0-64. I have bought a Hornby_Jouef loco . on the data sheet of this loco the value of the CV 5 is 205, but the range is  also 0-64...

Perhaps ESU has changed this specification ?

And i don't understand how to change it ( i.e value of 200) if the RM software limits to type a number above 64?. i know that the defined range is 0-64. a 64 , and after setting 64, my loco was moving very slowly !...

when y restarted the lokpilot , CV5 returned to the original value fortunately (255) ...

How shortcut this limit of RM ?

Does anyone have a such experience about that ?

Thanks for all


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Not sure if the lokpilot4 is listed in RM, if not report to HRMS so they can look at adding it.


Irrespective, you should be able to write any value up to 255 into a writable CV with RM, so 200 should be ok.  Make sure you tick to actually write it after selecting the value you want.

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I had occasion to adjust one of these values on a Loksound 4 decoder, and, as jodel points out, RM insisted on a limit of 64. I am fortunate enough to have an Elite controller, so I was able to select the value I wanted (>64) using the Elite, but of course, Elink users won't have this option.


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If RailMaster is limiting the setting of CV5 to 64 for the lokpilot decoder then it sounds like a bug in RailMaster. Send a message to HRMS via the help function giving them the values of CV7 and CV8 along with the issue and I'm sure they will be able to fix it for the next releases.

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Thanks for all your replies

yes i have send a message to Hornby support.. i hoped that it could be possible by entring the number in binary mode. But i  it is the same....

for those who have a PRO version, is it the same limit ?

this is , in fact disturbing, when you know that most of the Hornby locos are equipped with ESU decoders!...


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Pro makes no difference.  You should contact HRMS via the email facility in the Help screen after you have tried a higher value and failed, that way they will get what you did in the log.txt file that goes with your email.


Rob, I think you are thinking about how to write particular CV values above 255. HRMS has already reported they are working on that one, hope they solve the 64 max issue at the same time. 

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Hello all,

I have posted topic in ESU forum. you can see below the different answers of each contributor. the more interesting topic is the topic before the last mine :  author Moppe. I understand that he says he had no problem to input a value of 255 on the last RM version.....

I ve opened an issue to HRMS... but without effective reply to day. they just asked me to confirm if i have really an ESU decoder???!!...

I m worried whith this issue and alos with the silence of HRMS ...

Thanks for your opinions about HRMS and this issue.



  • jodel

    Hello,i found on my lokpilot 54610, that the range of CV5 maximum speed has changed . the range before was 1-64 and on my decoder it is 1-255. do you confirm this value? it is a limit to change this value if the DCC controller does not accept values greater then 64...what you think about that? will i have to buy a lokprogrammer? thank you for your helpjodel  


  • moppe

    jodel schrieb:i found on my lokpilot 54610, that the range of CV5 maximum speed has changed . the range before was 1-64 and on my decoder it is 1-255. On the Lokpilot V4 it has always been 1-255 jodel schrieb:do you confirm this value? Hopefully, the V4 manual says 1- 255! jodel schrieb:it is a limit to change this value if the DCC controller does not accept values greater then 64... In the manual there is written about programming with Roco LokMaus.CV 96 to 99 if your friend.Klaus Dansk forum om modeljernbaner: http//:www.baneforum.dk.Min hjemmeisde: http//:www.moppe.dk  


  • jodel

    Yes i conform this value of 255. and i tried to set the maximum value 64 : and my loco runs very slowly...i tried also with entrering in binary mode : it s the same.I attached a copy of the programming windows for this lockpilot with RailMasterthanks for your advices. Attachment

  • juemar

    Hi, I do not quite understand your problem. The maximum value of CV 5 is 255. If you enter 64 instead of 255 it is obvious, that your loco runs very slowly.One Thing in additon: please use the English Support Forum, if you write in English language, and not the German part of the Support Forum. There is also a French Support Forum. Best regards,Jürgen MM, DCC, MFX/M4, ECoS I 4.1.4, Control Unit, Lokprogrammer, Decoder - Prüfstand, Märklin M - und C - Gleis  


  • jodel

    thanks for your reply.i hope i am in the english forum.so, of course if i set CV5 to 64 my loco runs slowly.  the defaut value is 255, and i want to lower this value. i think it is a limit of Rail Master which dont allow to set a higher value than 64...i would have some returned experience about this CV5 even with other controler. thanks for your replies.jodel  


  • moppe

    jodel schrieb:i hope i am in the english forum. No, the german part of the forum jodel schrieb:i think it is a limit of Rail Master which dont allow to set a higher value than 64... I downloaded the current version of Rail Master - it has no problems with the value 255 in CV 5.Klaus Dansk forum om modeljernbaner: http//:www.baneforum.dk.Min hjemmeisde: http//:www.moppe.dk  


  • jodel

    Hi MoppeSorry if i'm not on the english forum.I am surprise you succeeded to input a value 255 in CV5 with Railmaster. i have the last version 1.65. As soon i type a value >64, RailMaster answers that the"Input VC is out af the range 0-64..."i have opened an issue in the Hornby  RailMaster support but without result to day.thank you for your experience Jodel

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Hello all,

i found the specification document for decoders vaiables, in the NMRA website.

I copy here under an extract of this Doc , about CV5 and CV6. the maximum value is in binary mode 11111111, which correspond to 255. I don't understand why RM is not complant whith this specifications. and in fact i have no reply  form HRMS since i have opened my request. i don't what is their usual time limit to fix the status and their position about a request.

Thanks for your feedback exprience



65Configuration Variable 5 VhighVhigh is used to specify the motor voltage drive levels at the maximum speed step. This value shall bespecified as a fraction of available rectified supply voltage. When the contents of CV#5 equal "11111111", thefull available rectified voltage shall be applied. Values of "00000000" or "00000001" shall indicate that Vhigh70 is not used in the calculation of the speed table.Configuration Variable 6 VmidVmid specifies the voltage drive level at the middle speed step. Vmid is used to generate a performance curvein the decoder that translate speed step values into motor voltage drive levels and is specified as a fraction of75 available rectified supply voltage. Values of 00000000 or 00000001 shall indicate that Vmid is not used in thecalculation of the speed table.

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i was very happy yesterday when i saw the HRMS mail :

"Your RailMaster should have updated your loco decoders database automatically."Can you run the program again then read all CVs on your loco and you should be able to set a value for CV5 up "to 255."

So ave downloaded the new relaease 1.65.1 and i installed it. unfortunaltely id does not works because i have still the same limits.as you can see here under../media/tinymce_upload/9af506986288172672d494d0152ea6e3.png

 i am unable to calibrate the speed. This HJ2211S ( which is not in locos database) runs too quickly and when i pass the level of 30KPH with the trottle i measure a real equivalent speed of 165KPH !.... it is the same problem with a ESU 54610 decoder in test.

I think that perhaps the decoders database was not conrrectly updated with the 1.65.1 release installation because i found in the log.txt file : 

10/02/17 15:45:00 Check need for: DECODERS.FR (Size=131322 Date=01/01/2017)10/02/17 15:45:00   Installed size=131054 installed date=25/01/201710/02/17 15:45:00   No need to download DECODERS.FR

I am still very disappointed by such a frustrating problem. I hope HRMS will find a solution for this problem because in such circonstance my Rail Master is completely unusable.... and yet i wanted to buy an second elink, PRO version... and i look forward to the version with loco detection !!.... 

Does anybody has experience with the decoders database on RM?

thanks for your reply




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... and yet i wanted to buy an second elink, PRO version..


Just one point of correction and clarification. The PRO version is NOT a different piece of hardware i.e there is only one eLink for both 'Standard' RailMaster AND 'RailMaster ProPack'. It is RailMaster that is upgraded to ProPack not the eLink. You don't even need to buy a different version of RailMaster either. The RailMaster 'Standard' version, already has the 'ProPack' features in it already. You just need to purchase a 'ProPack' key to unlock them. This is a 'within' RailMaster application online purchase upgrade. The details are located in RailMaster 'System Settings' then 'Loco Detection' tab.

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hi Chrissaf

Ok i have understood that . i would only list the evolutions i want to do ...

altough, i have resquested Hornby sales management about 2nd elink ( for accessories)  . it is not sold alone, wihout the software and of course a new registration key...  i never saw it alone in a retailer website.

 it is a shame to pay the software twice...

But i have to wait about the resolution of problems before, to know if i have to continue with RailMaster...

Thanks for your reply


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My suggestion would be to delete that loco from your listing and place it again, then I think it would pick up the latest database content As I do not see how the database could overwrite that loco without altering any custom settings you gave it.

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Hi RAF 96

Thanks for your suggestion.

But i prefer to wait for the resolution of my problems before upgrading my railmaster configuration . i hope next week ... 

So I have scratch all my loco database before to try to set CV5 i.e. to value 150... after creation a new loco in my database , reading all its CVs , trying to write in CV 5 : unfortunately it is always the same problem... my input is always limited to 64 by the software....

i have just to wait the return of HRMS next monday ( perhaps!...)

after resoluton, ok i will contact you directly.


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Jodel, to add to what HRMS said above, and the same thing you reported at the top of page 2 of this thread from them, it should have been fixed.  But then further down page 2 you report you didn't want to upgrade your RM until this is resolved.


So the question is having you been starting your RM without your computer connected to the internet?  If not, HRMS's automatic download fix to the loco database won't have happened for you.


Just to clarify that too, RM will usually ask if you want to install an update on startup, but not always.  With some minor things like database updates, RM doesn't ask, it just does it.  Belt and braces though, you can always ensure you have the latest by downloading and installing from the link at the top of the forum.  And you should always do this if you have a problem, not wait.  It has often been found that latest fixes problems reported here.

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HI Railmaster support & FIshmanoz

Yes i did that : i have download from the forum the release 1.65.1.  on Friday i installed  it , and then, perhaps you could not see that on my screenshot, but the ln the little yellow box at the bottom of the main RM page it is written  : "1.65.1".

then i have read all the CV of the two locos . and commit this reading by clik on green tick of locomotive window to update the loco &cv base on my RM,

after i have tried to write a value ie 150 in CV5 : it always the same PB : as you can see on my screenshot the solftware still  limits the input to 64.  

When i told in my previous topic that i dont to upgrade my RM unitl this is resolved , i wanted to mean Upgrade with new hardware components ( elink, booster, supply...) . but i totally agree with udpating each time where it is possible the software.

Yesterday , following the advice of RAF96, i tried a new time to test the CV locos, but with a total scratch of my loco & Cv base in my RM to be sure that my loco basehas been really reset before. then i createda new loco, i read all CV, saved it in  MyRM, and then i tried to write 150 in CV5 . it is always the same PB. : the software still limits the input above 64.

thanks for your replies, hoping a reolution for this problem next week.


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Jodel, I suggest you email HRMS again from within the Help screen and report all of this to them there.  Then I suggest you have them log into your computer to check it out for themselves.


Just on the hardware stuff you mention, and the booster in particular, you won't need one of those until your layout takes up both car spaces in your double garage.  In fact, HRMS report running an extensive test layout using only the eLink 1 Amp supply, so the 4 Amp is going to be enough for 99% of users.

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