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Changing CV5 or 6 : Maximum speed engine


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I only have Lok 3.5 decoders but tried it anyhow.


No problem changing set values shown in the picture and writing max hi value 255 to CV5 and suggested mid value 48 to CV6.



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Hi Fishmanoz and RAF96

Following the technical report form HRMS yesterday , i understand that the decoders file is download automatically at the starting of RM, in a background task, and not in the new release.

So i tried to open my Norton Firewall for 15 min. and the download succeeded... 

i am able now to change CV5 up to 255...

But still remain to solve the problem of my Norton internet security frirewall. 

RM has been added since the first intallation,  in the list of allowed program rules. My Norton internet security is more recent ( than this one described on the Hornby doc security.pdf , and i have also in this version a possibility to set the firewall rules by trafic  ( protocoles : FTP, RCP, ICMP  and so on...) perhaps i have to investigate more in this way. that is the reason why i asked this morning HRMS to know wath is the protocole used to do this download...

but now the problem is bypassed and it is better situation.

Thanks for all for your advices..


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My advice with Norton is to take a chain saw to it and remove it from your PC. It is resistive to removal hence the chain saw. I use IObit Uninstaller (free) to remove aggressive applications that insist on leaving things behind after uninstalling to pester you.


Take a look at ACs superb website - sticky at the top of RM - for advice on antivirus and malware protection in lieu of the likes of McAfee and Norton.


Others may disagree as they have never had problems with Norton.


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I have had Norton and McAfee supplied on virtually every PC or laptop I ever bought and I've had nothing but trouble with them. Even getting rid of them is a struggle.

I did say I would drop the advice in and wait for the flak.


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Glad you got it fixed jodel. That's one of the sneaker AV problems.


I'm with Rob on the chainsaw by the way.  John, HRMS would have fixed all the necessary Norton exceptions for you when logged on, hence no problems with it on RM.  Beware though if you install a newer version, not just virus definitions update, those exceptions may not carry over.

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Hello all contributors,

following this new decoders update, i succeeded  to set CV5 to a value up to 255 i.e. 200.si my max speed is more or less adujsted to  the set point value.

But i don't understand wy HRMS did n't change also on this occasion, the range of CV6. my hornby loco had value 88 in CV6.. and CV6 is always limited to 64  !... because my speeds are always inconsistent ( speed throttle setpoint  vs real scale speed measured), i tried value 50 and i m not able to come back to 88 !...

here an extract of lokpilot 4 manual :

CV    Name                   Description                                                                                                 Range       Value1       Loco address       Address of engine (for LokPilot V4.0, LokPilot XL V4.0: Range 1 - 255)  1 - 127           3  2       Start voltage         Sets the minimum speed of the engine                                                      1 - 255           33        Acceleration*       This value multiplied by 0.25 is the time from stop to maximum speed      0 - 255        324        Deceleration        This value multiplied by 0.25 is the time from maximum speed to stop     0 - 255         245        Maximum speed* Maximum speed of the engine                                                              0 - 255         646        Medium speed*    Medium speed of engine                                                                        0 - 255         227        Version number    Internal software version of decoder                                                            -                 -8        Manufacturer‘s ID Manufacturers‘s ID ESU                                                                             151              -

13     Analogue mode F1-F8.......

an so on

in my opinion a technical specification must be followed and respected., isn't it?

wath do you thnik about that ?



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The 0.25 blah, blah, blah thing is trying to describe the algorithms used to set a speed curve by way of a simple 3-point start voltage, mid speed and top speed.


The algorithm mostly used is linear so if start is zero, then mid will be half of max. It is when a non linear algorithm is used - better for some motors- that the mid value moves away from half and it can be more or less than half depending upon if the algorithm gives more control at slow speed or more control at higher speed.


It would help you better understand this by looking at Decoder-Pro which is part of JMRI. This used to have a visual speed curve setting chart where you could drag any of the speed steps (14/28/128) into whatever curve you liked, but I'm not sure if the latest version still has this handy feature, which may help you set your decoder. Someone may come back with that answer.


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