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Crosti 9f wiring problem


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Hi all

I have been having reliability problems with the crosti 9f pick ups so decided to give it an overhaul and upgrade. I fitted a front lamp, firebox light and a sound decoder with the white, blue and green wires soldered to the back of the socket ( I wish all sockets had the same extended solder pads, so much easier). On test with a motor decoder and a sound decoder the engine ran in reverse with the front lamp on when running backwards. Resetting the direction using the elite the engine runs the right way but the the lamp still only works in reverse, firebox flicker and sound are fine.

Before I strip it down again and get the soldering iron out I could do with a second oppinion. I assume the pickups have been wired in reverse and need changing over or should I wire the light to the yellow connection. Your help will be appeciated.

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A few early  TTS decoders had the directional lights logic contra the travel direction, no matter what you fiddled with In the CVs.

In the end the easy fix was to swap the yellow and white wires at the decoder pads, as this kept the loco wiring standard in case the decoder had to be replaced.


In your case as more than one decoder is displaying the same fault then the answer would be to swap the yellow and white wires at the socket or the motor wires and leave the pickups alone, as if you think about it the rails are effectively AC and therefore swapping those over will not achieve anything.

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Have rewired pickups but nothing has changed. Select forward and engine runs backwards with front light on, reverse and light goes out and engine runs forward. Reset direction and engine runs forward in forward with no light and reverse in reverse with light. Resetting cv33 and 34 as suggested again gives no light. Any suggestions?

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Have you tried re-setting the decoder to it's default......it will of course be re-addressed as 03.......also have you tried connecting the running light to the yellow wire and see what happens.........changing the pick-up wires is of no use as Raf96 said - it's AC not DC..........the decoder converts to DC.........HB

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I agree reversing the pickup wires was unlikely to make a difference but when I checked the connections I also found one hanging on by a thread so required rewiring anyway. I have now connected the lamp to the yellow connection (no rear light is fitted). I again reset the decoder and the motor again ran wrong way so was reversed, the loco now runs the right way with the lamp lit in forward and out in reverse. I suppose to be correct I should reverse the motor connections and see if the light works back on the white wire but as I am happy with the result I think I'll leave well alone for now

Thanks to all for the replies 

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Ray, I agree that turning the plug around will reverse the loco motor (Grey & Orange reversed), but then the directional lights wouldn't work at all. Look carefully at the 8 pin socket image below and you'll see what I mean. The functions common Blue +ve power feed, would be reversed with the Green function wire. With the +ve common return on the wrong pin, there would be no power for any of the functional lights. Image courtesy of Brian Lambert's web site.



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