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Hornby Majestic ISSUES (new person)

John Dee

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Hi Everyone,

I have just bought a brand new Majetic Hornby Elink. I have inserted the DVD, got everything set up, and connected to the DCC.I have also added my key code etc.

However, once I open the programm - it says I am not able to connect to the DCC controller. . It has asked me to unplug the USB/power socket - but nohting works.

Do I have to build the track first? and connect this to my DCC?

Sorry to bother you as a complete amateur - I appreciate any help you can give

Kind regards,


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This is a RailMaster / eLink communications error and has nothing to do with whether track is attached or not. It is a common issue that newbies of the eLink system face when setting up RailMaster for the first time. Perform the modification described below. If this does not resolve your issue then have a look at the sticky thread at the top of the forum RailMaster section titles "RailMaster: Setting up & Getting Started".


There is a 90% probability that two key lines are missing from your "railmaster.ini" file or incorrectly entered.


Open RailMaster (RM) and open the 'Help' screen (? icon top navigation bar). Then click the 'COG' icon in the bottom left hand corner. Follow on screen prompts to open the 'railmaster.ini' file editor.


Look for the following two lines. If present delete them. If not present, then follow the adding them to the file instructions further below.


Alternative comms=n (where n is either a 1 or a 0 zero)

Check controller=n (where n is either a 1 or a 0 zero).


Now position your mouse cursor at the very bottom of the text file and add the following as written below (one command per line of text):


Alternative comms=1

Check controller=1


Save and exit the editor, close and restart RM. All now should be good to go. If not come back and describe your symptoms again.


PS - Also make sure that you are using a USB 2.0 port and not a USB 3.0 port.

And very important, check in Windows 'Device Manager' as to what ComPort the eLink is using and make sure that this number matches the ComPort selected in the RailMaster 'System Settings' screen. This com port should be ideally under Com 5. Typically RM uses Com 3 or Com 4.


If you are not familiar with 'Windows Device Manager' and what to look for. Come back here and say so. We can then give 'Step by Step' instructions. But to be honest, this is documented in the supplementary 'RailMaster Driver User Guide' that was installed on your 'Desktop' as part of the RailMaster installation.

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Chriss, excellent, but dont forget the start sequence, wait, wait , wait, still applies, and you have to turn on in right order, and wait foe hard drive to stop. I dont think the ini file has modified that bit, but, if  of course, anyone knows better. john

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Oh and one other point to supplement John's above. Once you get it working, standardise on always using the SAME USB physical port for your eLink. If you start moving your eLink about onto different USB ports each time you connect it all up you will most likely get communication error messages again.

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And one thing not mention, make sure you have updated to the latest version, v1.65.1 via the automatic update when you switch on or by downloading from the link at the top of the RM forum.  Having installed as Administrator first up, no need to worry about that when installing updates, they will remain Administrator.


PS.  Throw that DVD in the bin, completely useless being an outdated version, just keep your activation code.

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Fishy... I would strongly advise folk NOT to throw away the DVD version of RailMaster.

I have had two members contact me who couldn't get the download to work from the official site and I advised to use the DVD to initially install RM if they had it and upgrade from there through RM's own updating system.

This worked both times. So the DVD? Keep it... just in case.


We should all know that downloads don't always work (I speak generally of course and NOT RM on its own) and if one should need to do an install immediately then the DVD is the obvious place to get it from... then just update through RM when it does its checks as this does work afterward.

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Fair enough AC and noted.  No use to me though, no drive in my laptop so everything is via download or USB drive on the very odd occasion.


Just one issue though where the download link is superior given it actually works.  If you do you initial installation from the link with your controller connected and turned on, first install the driver for it correctly then continue to install RM, you should end up with the correct ini file entries for your setup. Any other way of installing and you will have a vanilla ini file installed which won't be touched/changed by subsequent updates. You will then have to correct it yourself manually.


So my suggestion - start by trying to download and install from the link, remembering to run it as administrator. If it won't install this way, then try the DVD, again as administrator. Having installed from the DVD, then immediately upgrade to latest as requested on startup.  Then check the 2nd top locked thread on RM forum, Setting Up and Getting Started, last post from HRMS for the correct ini entries for your particular setup.

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I had similar problems to this but thanks to the chaps on here I got it sorted. I had never heard of ini files etc and was a complete novice. Yes, it scared me, the thought of screwing it all up, but I eventually did it.A friend of mine who is a "techno freak" has had a look at Railmaster and his comments to me on the use of com ports were that having to assign a com port was a bit "Windows 98" and really aught to be updated to a plug and play type setup. ie, which ever USB port it is plugged into will automatically assign the drivers.

Is there any update in the offing to bring RM into the 21st century? It would certainly save novices like me from hours of hassle.

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