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How do i?

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My first post as a newbie 😳


I am using railmaster with elink and i have just bought a Hornby R3392TTS class 40 with sound, however no matter what i do i just cant seem to make the loco do a cold start.

How do i get the cold start F9 function to work?

ive read about toggle and momentary switching in railmaster but just cant find any answers in simple speak for a newbie.....

Can anyone help?



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Do all the other sounds work? i.e do you get a normal start when you send F1?


Does the F9 button label in RailMaster have "on/off" showing at the end of the text description?

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F1 starts/stops the engine sounds normally.

If you select F9 and then F1 the engine performs a cold start.

F9 is a background modifier function for F1 and appears to do nothing on its own, but it actually does by pulling the choke out for you. (Anyone who doesnt know what a choke is can admit their ignorance and be chastised by the old folk on here.)


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Well when i press F9 it goes light grey for a few seconds and then goes black again.


The image below is an extract from the R3392TTS loco datasheet downloaded from the Hornby website. All the functions marked as (Toggle On/Off) should have the text "on/off" on the function button label when called up in RailMaster. Without the "on/off" text, the RM function has a momentary action, which is what your comment above in the yellow box is describing.




Go into the "Loco Settings' screen in RailMaster (the steam loco icon to the left hand side of the top navigation bar). Click on your R3392TTS loco entry so that the function list on the right hand side is populated. Any functions (as per the list above ) that do not show "on/off" at the end of the label text should be edited to add the "on/off" text (do not include the " " marks). Save the loco, now F9 should show "on/off" on the label, as well as any other function labels you may have added the "on/off" text to.


As RAF has confirmed above, F9 is a modifier function. That is to say, you send F9 first, followed by F1. But as described above, F9 needs to be configured in RM as a 'Locking Toggle' function for this to work.


EDIT: In an ideal world, the loco labels should have been correctly configured by Hornby so that the labels all populate with the correct labels when called up from the Hornby loco database. When installing a new Hornby loco for the first time, I always check the function labels as displayed in RM and compare them in the first instance to what is written on the loco datasheet, and in the second instance comparing what they do (sound wise) when actually used for real. I then edit the labels as necessary to make them match. Generally, I usually find at least one function button label that needs editing, sometimes more than one.

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thankyou everyone, I have been trying for 3 days on this puzzle and thanks to you wonderful lot I now have my answer.


You would think that hornby would tell you that you can turn a momentary thingy into a toggle on/off thingy simply by typing it in!

thanks again everyone I'm sure I will have more questions soon!


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Glad to hear its sorted all OK.......


There are lots of undocumented tips, users have found. Always worth asking here first, if there is some aspect of RM that doesn't work for you.

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