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Control knobs on Elite.

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I have brought my Elite back into use with my Railmaster, solely for controlling slow movement for shunting work.

Is it me, or has the knob function changed since the update?

The knobs seem to require a lot of movement to set the loco off, and stop it, making precise control very difficult. Is this an effect of the acceleration and deceleration CV settings of each loco?

This, combined with no correlation of knob rotation speed indication on Railmaster with the Railmaster cursor movement, and the using the sound functions on the Elite disabling the Railmaster 'buttons', seems to have made this combination rather incompatible.


I'm kind of feeling it was better before the update, but that might just be me.

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I can give you some information on this and I'm sure others will add to it:


For a start, there was a significant change in the way the knobs work and are selected between v1.3 and v1.4/1.41.  I'm not aware of any since.


To get the correct syncing between Elite and RM throttles, you need the correct settings in your ini file.  I have a mental blank on them just now, but someone like Chris will be along soon to confirm for you.  Or you can check in the RM manual.


My impression, and I may be wrong, is that each ray on the Elite speed display is one speed step.  So for fine control with 128 speed steps selected in the decoder (default and the best for fine control), it's a long way from 0 to 127 or 0 to flat out.


In some decoders, it is possible to set a CV value known as V0 at which the loco first starts to move.  This may be say speed step 5 (depends on a lot of things what it actually is) and if you set this CV to 5, the loco starts to move the instant you move the throttle.  However, the Hornby R8249 doesn't support this CV.


Finally as you say, acceleration and deceleration cause a delay in response time to the throttle.  For shunting locos, you should therefore set both to 0 so you get instant response. The default values for these on the 8249 are pretty low at 5 but you should consider reducing them to zero for shutters.  Likewise you'll want to set higher values for mainline expresses.

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I personally prefer 14 speed steps, rather than 128 and I have noticed that (at least) some of my Loco's appear to have changed to 128 steps since the upgrade to Elite v1.43.  I cannot explain why this change has not seemed to apply to all my Loco's.


I have just reprogrammed the affected Loco Decoders to 14 steps.

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The Elite speed knobs (encoders) are what as known as perpetual i.e. They rotate forever with no top or bottom stop.


They are also rate dependent so if you turn them very very slowly nothing will ever happen to the loco, but if you twitch them around fast the loco can go zero to max speed in a quarter turn.


Personally I do not like them and prefer the Select  and HM2000 fixed range knob method.


Using RM you can at least see the speed steps moving above the slider or MPH if you have that set instead.


As RDS says using less speed steps makes the Elite knobs more user friendly but you need to have 128 steps set for certain decoders to work properly e.g. TTS sound, so its win some lose some.



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I respectively disagree, if you want to use it like an eLink, then just leave the Elite knobs and buttons alone. Everything you can do with an eLink, can be done with the Elite. And in my humble view, more reliably.


I rarely touch my Elite knobs and buttons. I do everything via the RM PC. But for those odd occasions where I just want to try something out very quickly, then not having to power up the PC...... I find very useful indeed.

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William David, if you own both controllers, i cannot see why you would wish to revert to the simple Elink. The difference and versatility, is vast.. As Chriss says, the option to use without powering up PC, is a major plus. Many of us on here very happily run the Elite, with RM. john

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I think your points are valid, and my Elite is still in place.

There is a plus and a minus in which one to use.

The Elite does allow a quick play, and the knobs do allow another option.

Unfortunately my Elite is still erratic on programming, so I have to revert to the elink to play with the CVs.

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If with all of the correct ini file settings for Elite v eLink you are having programming problems, you may have a faulty programming output on your Elite.  I would be contacting HRMS via the email facility in the Help screen to check that out.


Just on the point you made above on RM/Elite compatibility, RM was developed to work with Elite a couple of years before eLink was developed, so I don't think that is an issue.  Which does lead me to one other thing to check on and that is each time you swap beteeen them, you are adjusting the baud rate to suit?

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