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DCC Controller


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I'm currently using a Hornby Elite controller, but I wish to change / upgrade to a wireless controller to be able to walk around the layout better. I tried a longer lead on the Elite, but it just doesn't work out.

Does anyone have any advice / experiences on wireless controllers? I'm anticipating that as Hornby don't male a wireless controller, naming a competetor system that does won't be against the forum rules.

Thanks in advance.

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Dazza, go to the top locked thread in the RM forum and from there to AC's excellent separate site where all the good gen for setting up fixed IP addresses to connect your phone and tablet can be found.


Huwsie, your problem is Hornby do make wireless controllers as described by Dazza, and they work reliably once set up.  Cost is also minimal, starting with £5 for RM if you don't already have it, then similar for each wireless licence.

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