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Trains wont run


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Hi i am neww to dcc. I have railmaster with elink, which operates the train supplied ok

I had 2 DC locos which i decided to add decoders to, a R2675 Flying scotsman and a 0-4-0 tank engine.

The decoders have been recognised by the software and i have been able to write their ID to the decoder, but they wont run!

Am i doing something wrong? I followed the instructions for fitting using Hornbys guides

The decoders are Ttain-Tech DC26 & DC27


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For the benefit of any forum member who is going to attempt to answer this question. The DC 26 & DC27 decoders are GaugeMaster decoders not Train-Tech.


Mongaman, welcome to the forum. If your question fails to generate many replies it will because there is very little detail in it to base a suggestion on. Your issue could fall into two different product configuration areas. For example:


Have I converted the locos to DCC correctly.


Have I configured the locos in RailMaster correctly.


All new decoders have a default 003 DCC address. It is recommended to test a newly DCC converted loco on the default 003 address first before trying to change it. Did you do this?. Try running your two converted locos on DCC address 003 in case the configuration of the new addresses didn't work.


Provide more detail about exactly what you have done 'Step by Step' so far and a more helpful reply might be forthcoming. Focus more on the 'How you configured the locos in RailMaster' rather than how you performed the DCC conversion.


PS - If you feel posting some images or PC screen captures will aid your description, use the B&W Hill icon that sits between the Tree & Smiley icon. Note that images need to be approved by forum admin and will not appear straight away.

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PS - One way to test the basic wiring of your Loco DCC conversion, is to see if it will run on DC. If it wont run on DC, then it will never run on DCC. The decoder default is to enable DC operation. Thus applying a DC voltage of about 8 or 9 volts to the wheels of the loco (a fully charged new 9 volt PP3 battery for example) should make the motor turn.

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Hi thanks for replying to my question, sorry for the lack of detail!

I tried both trains on DC and neither would run

I followed the 2 sets of instructions below, and cannot see any errors in my installation



After testing with DC and them not working i need to see what mistake i have made

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Yes, you need to get them working on DC first before trying to diagnose DCC issues. In my second reply I wrote:


The decoder default is to enable DC operation.


This is the case 99.9% of the time, but I am not familiar with the Gaugemaster DC26 & DC27 decoders. They should have been supplied with a datasheet. See if it specifies the default value for CV29. If it is 6, then DC operation is enabled and it should run on DC, if correctly wired up and installed. If CV29 is 0 or 2 then DC operation is not enabled.

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PS - Just had a quick look at the DC 26 user guide on the Gaugemaster website. It is not 100% categoric, but all the indications are that according to the guide that DC operation is enabled on this decoder. However, the guide doesn't state this to be so in 100% black and white terms.

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