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TTS module - tender to engine connectors?


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I believe that all the fitted from the factory TTS steam engines with tenders, have an additional small connector located between the engine and the tender.  This small connector allows for the separation of the tender and the engine. (see X9958 tender connector and X6113 tender loco connector)

I know that these new stand alone TTS modules will have the standard 8 pin ( NEM652) connector for the engine. But it would pose some difficulty to fit the tender with the sound / dcc module and speaker, and then to run the 8 pin connector harness directly to the locomotive's 8 pin DCC connector. I do not see a problem with the TTS modules for Diesels.

Does anyone know the answer to this?

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I concur with Fishy's reply.


In my limited experience, any steam loco that is factory fitted with X9958 and X6113 parts have a tender located decoder and tender located decoder socket and the four wires of the plug and socket are for motor and pickup connections.

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Thanks for the advice. What I think that this tells me is that I need to inspect the tendered locomotives that I wish to install TTS modules in. If they are newer, the 8 pin DCC connector ( NEM652) will already be located in the tender and module installation will be straight forward.

However, if the locomotives are of older production - with the 8 pin DCC connector in the locomotive proper, I will need to order the X9958 tender connector and X6113 tender loco connector and wiring harness in addition to the appropriate TTS module.

Then I will be able to attach the pickup and motor wires (four in total) between the tender and the engine using the standard Hornby small 4 pin connector as opposed to permanently hard wiring the tender and locomotive together.

Does that sound correct?

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Coincidentally I am in process of writing up the TTS conversion of my DCC Ready R2339 Mallard, which has its 8-pin socket in the loco.


I had previously converted it by simply running a pair of extended wires from the TTS decoder mounted in the loco to the speaker mounted in the tender, but I am now taking this further by installing a fixed drawbar instead of the dodgy springy finger power transfer device and replacing the power transfer to the 4-pin plug and socket, part numbers as you have stated above. The new drawbar (make or buy) fits in the same place as the one removed using the same screw.


In essence two of the four wires are for the speaker and the other two are the tender pickups linking back to the wires removed from the existing drawbar. The tender had to be modified to remove the drawbar post, using the hole left to mount the fixed drawbar and to install the 4-pin socket. Fairly simple conversion.


I could,have left the tender post in which would have made taking the tender off simpler, but hindsight is always too late.


The article should be ready in the next couple of days on the website linked to in my signature. I will post a direct link to the page on this thread when its on there.



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Has anyone else had the same problem as me that when clicking on RAF's link Para. 18 is obscured by an image?


Sorry about that folks, I didnt anchor the picture and for reason it slipped, despite looking OK in my test browser.


I will fix ASAP.


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I modified my Golden Plover A4 by buying a replacement tender chassis frame X6212 (quite inexpensive), which came fitted with the 8 pin socket, and the 8 pin plug.

I stripped the drawbar of the electrics, fitted a Sugar Cube speaker and connected it and the tender pickups to the loco using the socket.

I think I have exhausted the supply of X6212, two with the socket fitted, one without, Hornby and Peters Spares having no more stock.

I have a couple of A3s which would benefit.

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The X6212 chassis is ideal having the speaker mount, the 8-pin socket in the tender, the 4-pin power transfer and the fixed drawbar link.



The article should view OK now in any browser.


Anyone trying to find an alternative chassis based on the service sheets is advised to call the part number up at Peters Spares or New RW Modellers shop and view the photo to ensure it is suitable.


Even if you are not fitting sound then the fixed drawbar and 4-pin plug/socket  mod is simple and gets rid of that unreliable post and clamp springy finger thing which is the cause of many shorts on these locos.


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