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TTS Tornado dead ,can it be saved


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Hi all, I was running my TTS Tornado recently when out of the blue it derailed on a point, this triggered the short circuit system within my Railmaster, After putting the loco back on the tracks the short circuit warning kept reappearing, On further investigation it seems the TTS decoder is at fault, With the decoder unplugged from its socket within the tender no short circuit exists as soon as this is reconnected short circuit is back. On the programming line I thought I'd try first reading the address which returned 255 (loco was programmed as 002). I then tried resetting using CV8 but this has had no effect. I can confirm the 8 pin plug is not making contact with the chassis so the short isnt coming from there. Do I need a replacement decoder or can it be saved ?


best regards Daz

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Unless you have a blanking plug to insert in lieu of the TTS decoder you are unlikely to be able to show the short if it is a loco fault as you need the plug to complete the pickup to motor circuits.


If you dont have a blanking plug just use a pair of wires to connect the corner pins on each short side of the socket i.e. Connect socket Pin 1 to 8 and pin 4 to 5. - essentially one motor connection to the left track pickups and the other motor connection to right track pickups. Now see if the short is still there, but if all is well do not leave the loco on a DCC track for long or it could be damaged.


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 Bad news, The loco is fine, I tried it with a blanking plug and no short circuit exists, I also tried the decoder in another loco and the short moved with it, I'm really disappointed that the TTS decoder has died because of a derailment. How do I get a replacement ? best regards Daz

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