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inconsistent speed profile loco Hornby


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hello all contributors,

After HRMS has corrected the decoder file for ESU loksound and set the range for Vmax à 255, i 've tried to test my speed again.

First curiously without changing VMax the maximum speed have fallen. 

I set a value for Vmax CV5 to a value :200

the max speed is almost good. but i constat that teh range for CV6 is always lilited to 64. For me it is strange because on my technical guide f loksound CV6 range = CV5 range = 255...

but itdoes not matter.

to diagnose my problem on my loco HJ2211S fitted by Hornby with an ESU loksound decoder

i have set the CV5 : Vmax to 200 and CV 6: Vmid 20, for better profile  !....

you can see here the speed profile : measured actual speed vs speed set point.


the profile is like a logarithmic curve instead, more or less  a straight line of slope 1 ... and it is the best profile i  got. i think it is not good situation.

i have for this moment no other means to precise the diagnostic between either a such curious behavior of Railmaster, or a malfunction of the decoder of the loco.

i think  it's as if the RM sends speed commands when i push the throttle to Vmax with 28 (or 128) Speed steps and the decoder use only 14 speed step... i have tried this test with 14 speed steps and 28 speed steps ( in CV29) with same results.

Or perhaps it is like Vmid CV6 is higher than Vmax ...

Is it possible to trace on RM the number of each speed step that RM send to the decoder ?
With these traces, i can do a chart with the speed steps in abscissa, instead of the set point speed. 

and as after each change of CV we have to update by a click on green tick , the loco database, i suppose RM uses all of these informations to control and steer the decoder. Is RM able to interpret different range for Vmx or Vmid ? 

Finally i need your suggestions  , either for HRMS ( i have opened a request to HRMS,but without reply today) correction of CV6 range, and/or something which could be wrong in RM , or either to determine if i have to send back my loco to the Hornby retailer for, eventually, an exchange of it, under the contractual guarantee... But, i want say again that for this loco all other functions are OK : lights, sounds ... strange not ?

thanks for all your replies


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