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DCC on the Cheap


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I have 10 trains, all 040, most are the members ones,  to convert them all to DCC, it will cost me loads of money, now being unemployed, have no money, so got 2 DCC chips, got 2 old boogles, wheeled things, plus they have pick up, electic, pulled of old wheels on any old waggon, so just lelfed with rectangerlor box, glued it to wheels, drilled a few holes here and there, soldered wires to pick up,  got 040, pulled of cover, out with motor, solded wires on to pick ups, done a few other adjustments, the wires were around 6" long, solded  wires to motor, put wires around 040 so they are coming out back, put cover back on, cheacked all working, then put very small 4 wire connector (MALE), on the 4 wires coming out of 040, connected the power wires from chip into female connector, 2 power wires to the wires on the waggon, then 2 more wires from the train to these wires, so the 040 ends up being a 8 wheeled electric pickup, made a cover to hide the chip in waggon, I now have to chips waggons, done the same to all me 040, so now can play with all 10 040 using 2 chips, doing it this way, you do not have to warry about space in the 040, when I get borred using old smoky jo, pull off and stick good old Thomos on, it took me around 2hrs per 040 to do, I am new to this, the above may sound a bit wisy woshy, bit it works, just make sure you know what wire is which, the wires I used were striped out of some old molble phone headphones, they were the thinist wires I could find, plus it has saved me loads of money, which I used to bye a Hornby remote control Thomos the tank engine set, with steam sound, for £11, I hope people reading this can under stand what I am saying as I got an IQ of 50 on a good day, plus there is know spelling cheaker on this site, happy training

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CHEERS  RogerB,  been doing other things, now have time to do things,  here is a pic or 2, I hope, off what I have done, this is me first one, just to see if it works,






me next bit is to put flasing lights on, :)

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Are you using the correct upload icon in the reply box? It is the one between the "tree" and the "smiley"




Click that and browse to your image which should then automatically upload. You will get a message saying that your photo/s are held for moderation which is quite quick on a weekday, less so at weekends.


Let us know how you get on.



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Lots of people have added a wagon to these 0-4-0s to provide additional pickups but this is the first instance I have seen of putting the decoder in the wagon as well.


Taking it a bit further if you want to run the converted locos on DC on their own or just to test them then make up a spare socket to plug into the loco plug that bridges the left pickup to one motor wire and the other motor wire to the right pickup to perform the same function as the blanking plugs provided for 8-pin sockets in locos.

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Plus the "Spell Checker" is the 'ABC Tick' icon to the right of the smiley face in Roger's posted image.


Just a general observational comment. One long unbroken paragraph, makes it quite difficult the read what you have written. If you want to break your prose up into palatable chunks, then use a double return (enter key) between each chunk (paragraph) of text.


Just like I have done here in this reply. The reason for two returns, is that the forum software (for some inexplicable reason) strips out the first one, but leaves the second one behind to give the paragraph gap.

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Not sure if you meant to do this but both links go to the same photo, which shows your handiwork very well by the way.


Can you describe what happens when you try to load a photo using the normal process as outlined earlier?




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Are you using the correct image file format i.e. .JPG or .JPEG or .GIF


BMP definitely isn't supported and AFAIK neither is TTF, not sure about PNG


Your links...clickable and shortened.

https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?....shortened URL

https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?....shortened URL


This was done using the 'chain link' icon at the top of the reply text box - see below.



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There seems to be a post or 2 missing, proberly me, but pics now up, not sure how, but here is a better one, still testing, if this does not work, will tie me self to train track, and sceam like a baby  :), was using one of them flate srceen phone thingys, to up load pics, now gone back to a good old camera, will have to find me web cam



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Your photos are held for moderation by system admin hence the delay between you posting them and them appearing. This delay can be short during office hours but weekends and holidays it will be much longer.


ComMods cant approve pictures unfortunately.


I'll post a couple of pictures of the decoders installation in my 0-4-0s later when I crank up the train PC where they are stored.



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There seems to be a post or 2 missing, 


Nothing amiss CC - you are posting correctly, I saw your posts. There was a bit of housekeeping yesterday by the forum Admin.


Be aware of the potential for delay in approval if you include photos though.



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There is another way of running DCC 'cheaply' by using a stationery decoder i.e. just connect the motor output wires to the track.........you can then run any analogue loco (one at a time).......the decoder is programmed to whatever address you want and ensure that DC running is enabled in CV29.........picture shows set-up connected to a bit of N gauge track to test a new class 33.............HB


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With this method you could have a layout with 2 loops, inner & outer, each with its own decoder and sidings to store stock & locos.......each loco would have to be stabled behind a point to isolate from rest of track as you will only run one at a time.........the 2 loops must not be joined in any way but you could have two mainline trains running at the same time until ready to do some shunting etc.......each decoder with it's own address e.g. - 001 & 002 .........just a thought.......... 😀..........HB

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Here's a picture of the 8-pin NEM 652 socket I used in my 0-4-0 and the way of mounting it. I used this rather than the standard Hornby type as it takes up less space and is easier to solder to.


These sockets were 30p each from China P&P free, so I have enough in my spares box for ever.




The bent tin bracket below replaces the plastic one which was missing when I got this loco and the wooden bit holds the body at the right height relative to the chassis.


R8249 Decoder sits in the space on top and forward of the motor.


Note I used blue and yellow for the motor wires - 'twas all I had at the time.




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