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Community Moderators


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I thought part of the role of community moderators was to nip in the bud rogue postings by malcontents with nothing better to do with their time.

There seems to be a bit of a flaw in that plan judging by yesterday's attack.

Are all the moderators based in the UK?

If this is the case then that is a bit unfair on us poor souls in the antipodes who have to tolerate this nonsense until someone in the UK awakens from their slumber and takes action.

Surely there is someone willing and capable in the far east of the globe from the UK who could handle this.

An alternative may be for one of the UK moderators to volunteer to work the night shift.

Maybe rotating around all of them.

Just saying! 🫨

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Norman it happened last weekend as well but to be fair the community moderators are unpaid and have restrictions on what they can do. They cannot be on here 24/7 although I get your point. It may be better that no new members of the forum can sign up immediately without going through an email back to the address given and then using the Capture method of verification. Quite simple as lots of websites do this now to keep out rubbish adverts.

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Apologies that (due to time difference) you may not have seen the answer to the same question that you raised in a similar thread you posted yesterday.


However, the thread was attracting too many potentially spam encouraging posts and had to be removed.  The answer is that not all the Mods are based in the UK.  There is no current intention to increase the number of Mods.


Please indicate (by posting a response) that you have seen this reply and then this thread will be removed as well.



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As an Australian based ex-moderator on the UK N Gauge Forum I do agree that there should be someone to cover the hours that home based Mods are asleep, I have to say though that the N Gauge Forum never got anywhere near the amount of spam and rubbish that this forum gets, for some reason this forum seems to be a target for junk mail which is pretty sad.

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Roger B, and all the other Mods!

Can you not lock a thread rather than remove it? When I saw this thread I was convinced I'd seen a  similar thread and wasted time looking for it, now I know it was removed! Is it your decision to remove a thread, as per your notification above, that this thread will be deleted? Is there a job description for the Mods setting out their responsibilities and designated powers?

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I can't understand why this thread has to be removed since it is obviously relevant to a number of members who would also like to have a say.

I don't see any spam encouraging posts, however, I have to admit I don't even know what a spam encouraging post would look like.

I thought that my post yesterday was removed by accident but to find that it was deliberately removed even when it complied with the forum rules seems like some bizarre form of censorship.

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As a long time fan of Hornby since 1956 I am sorry that the powers to be think the forum requires so many moderators, crikey every second or third poster seems to be a Moderator, surely it hasn't got that far out of hand that it requires so many policemen, if nothing else it has put mormal run of the mill forum members on edge as to what they think they should or should not put in their threads or replies, sad really.

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