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Britannia DCC Conversion


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Service sheet 130 may be the one that covers your Brit see here http://www.hornbyguide.com/service_sheet_details.asp?sheetid=104


You need to disconnect both wires shown in the sheet with the tender on, then using a meter make sure that both motor brushes are isolated from the wheels and motor frame. There are various ways of doing this.


You should look at Brian Lamberts site for converting ringfield motors for specific info and you may wish to read up on this discussion on another forum http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/45908-tender-drive-dcc-fitting/


welcome by the way...

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You'll also see in Brian Lambert's site that there are 3 different Ringfield conversions. You need to be sure which you have and make sure the left hand motor brush spring is isolated from the chassis, else you'll blow the decoder no matter what current it can handle. 

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