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Just fitted DCC Decoder R 8249 - Wrong Direction ?


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This drawing explains WHY the previous replies are correct. The orange and grey wires are the motor wires. If the decoder is plugged in to the socket the wrong way round, the motor wires get reversed. The decoder still functions (except for lights, which are not normally applicable to the steamer) but just goes in the opposite direction.




Note for other readers who have a lights equipped loco. If the loco runs in reverse, but the lights still work. Then either reverse the wires on the electric motor itself OR enable 'loco reverse' in CV29 (Bit 0).

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WTD has always been watching us, just doesn't say much.


And just to clarify for those who may not be fully clear from this discussion, it's the swapping of the grey and orange wires only that makes the difference.  If you hard wire a decoder, swapping red and black (which also happens when you turn the decoder around in the socket) makes no difference.  If it did, then picking up a loco, turning it around and putting it on the track facing the other way would mean that it would now run backwards, and it doesn't, does it?  I know yours do WTD, this is another of the fiendishly clever things about DCC.


PS.  WTD, just got a brand new D to W in my house. 11 weeks old and 2.2kg of concentrated happy energy.  Lost my old one at 17 a few weeks back.

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