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TTS Decoders in a Pannier Tank


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Hi all,


I was originally going to use a battery-powered motion-detecting sound solution installed in a carriage to get sound on my layout, but the new TTS Decoders are exactly the same price! More-over, the speakers for something like the A1 & A3 Class TTS Sound Decoder seems quite small.


Could anyone hazard a guess as to whether I could squeeze it into a pannier tank? Or would the lack of room mean the sound simply has no room to reverberate?




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See the article on my signature link where I have put TTS kit into a 2728 pannier tank.


Speaker facing up the chimney and decoder in the coal hole.





Sacrifice a bit more of the weights and you could put a rectangular speaker in there rather than the 28mm round one.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Avoid the traintech capsule, its overpriced, very hard and time consuming to make work properly, and even on max volume with a decent sound enclosure you wont be able to hear it. Plus the chuff sound they chose is a bit naff. You are far better off with TTS sound.

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With my dodgy hearing the steam sounds are much the same, apart from acoustic differences due to speaker mounting variances. The various other sounds are appropriate to the loco modelled - whistles, clanks, etcs.


Obviously some TTS locos didn't make it into preservation so I guess those are 'photo-shopped' in the sound studio based on the nearest equivalent, 2-3-4 cylinder, etc.


Diesel engine sounds are modelled on actual prototype sounds as are the additional sounds such as horns, fans and valves, etc.


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