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Signal lights dim


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Previously my signal lights were wired up with separate power sources alongside the points. I didn't like the lights dimming when I changed signal.

I've wired up the lights separately to a hornby controller. Once I attached more than 3 signal lights they became dim and it takes unplugging the transformer to solve the problem.

Is this a faulty transformer?


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Not enough information to say.


Are the signals Hornby R406. If so, Hornby have produced two different versions with the same R406 part number. The earlier version used bulbs and the later version uses LEDs. If using Hornby R406 signals, what type are yours Bulb or LED ?


Exactly what Hornby power supply are you using. If you don't know the part number, what is the output current rating on the label.


Can you draw out how you have wired it up and post an image back here. Use the B&W hill icon to the left of the smiley to post an image. It won't appear straight away as it will be checked by admin first before it is published.


I am guessing that you are using R406 of the bulb type and that their combined current draw for three or more signals is more than your power supply can adequately supply. Hence why the bulbs are dimming. But this is just a guess on my part, provide answers to the questions raised above and a wiring diagram and a more conclusive reply can probably be given.


The bulb type R406 signals draw a lot of current. About 80mA for each bulb that is illuminated. Three would be drawing about 1/4 of an amp. Four signals about a third of an amp and so on. I suspect that the power supply you are using has a maximum 500mA rating.


....and it takes unplugging the transformer to solve the problem.


Surely unplugging the transformer makes them all go out. If they still light up with the transformer unplugged then something is not right. Providing a wiring diagram as requested above will help immensely to understand what you have done.


I didn't like the lights dimming when I changed signal.


When you say they dim when you changed signal. Are you saying that you get a situation where BOTH lamps are lit together, but dimly. If so, this is a classic symptom of having the R406 Green & Black wires connected in reverse.



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Yes old R406 with old Hornby 16v remote.

 They do not light when unplugged. 

They were connected across three separate remotes with a mixture of signals and lights but no more than two lights on one block so dimness was never a issue. 


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