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Peco Smartswitch


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Tony, since nobody (so far) seems to replicate your particular scenario. Maybe if you expanded upon what your particular issue was, then some suggestions could be forthcoming.

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I don't have an issue with the item Chris, I've just read a little about it. We would like to have multi-arm semaphore signals (including ground signals) on our layout, controlled via RM and Elink, and the Ratio signals look very nice.

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Tony, let me be honest up front. I don't use Semaphore signals or PECO Smart switch. So my response to you in this reply is based upon Internet research on the Ratio Semaphore signal kits, undertaken just to provide a reply in this thread.


This YouTube, I found very useful in explaining the basic Ratio kit.



Based upon this video, the Ratio Semaphore signals are not motorised, but can be remotely operated. The Ratio solution for this (according to the video) is using a mechanical lever connected to strings, wires and pulleys. Looking at the base of the signal, there are operating (spring loaded) rods with eyelets in them. Thus, with a bit of ingenuity it should be possible to connect these up to a Servo, so that they can be operated by DCC.


Presumably, you have come to the same conclusion as me regarding this. Hence the reference to PECO Smart Switch, which is a Servo based point operating system.


In principle, you can place a Semaphore icon on your RailMaster track plan and link that icon to a DCC Accessory Decoder address. That address being the one configured for the PECO Smart Switch port (i.e Servo). Thus, clicking the signal icon in RM, would move the Servo and thus your Semaphore.


However, there are other Servo based Accessory Decoder solutions available as well as PECO Smart Switch. MegaPoints for example. Unlike PECO, for whom Smart Switch is just one product in a larger corporate portfolio. MegaPoints is a family run concern that specialise with Servo control products. Being a small family run concern they can be more customer focused in supporting their in house designed products, than perhaps the likes of PECO can.


One of our forum contributors (RogerB) was unhappy with the PECO Smart Switch he purchased and has subsequently sold the Smart Switch and replaced it with the MegaPoints products. I'm sure he will be along shortly to comment.



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Tony, just to clarify my experience with the Peco Smartswitch - I sold mine on as I felt the cost "per point operated" was quite high. I moved over to another supplier, as Chris states, as that board is nearly the same price and has 12 ports as opposed to 4 on the Peco board. As you have probably discovered you need another module with either if you operate via DCC.


Both are very easy to set up. I am in the process of installing the Megapointscontroller so can't say how it actually operates in anger. The Peco system never made it to the layout so I can't help there either.


Two cautions I will pass on to you though.


1. If you go the Peco route DO NOT buy any Tower Pro SG90 motors off Ebay. They are nearly all cheap facsimiles. I know there are four motors in the box, but just like many other systems you can double up two motors on one port - say for a crossover.


2. I have heard, but have so far been unable to verify, that the Peco system can "lose" it's programmed settings. So make sure you buy from a reputable supplier who will exchange the board if this happens to you.


Come back on here if you need any more help.



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Try taking a look at this link to a forum in Aus...



While it may not be of conclusive help it certainly does offer some advice while not specifically mentioning the Smart Switch by Peco (of which I have just been bought as a gift so haven't tested as yet).

Scroll down to where it has the heading 'Motorisation' which may at least guide you to further your search in the right places. I have not used Ratio signals but I wonder how many here know Ratio was sold to Peco in 1996 by then Ratio MD Roger Webster?

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