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Issues with both DC and DCC controllers

Brother Paul

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I'm returning to railway modelling after many years, following the unexpected gift of a train set with a DCC-ready loco (Flying Scotsman) and a standard DC controller. Recently I was given a DCC loco (A4 Gadwall) and a Select Controller. I'm afraid I'm having problems with both controlers.

Both locos will run on the DC controller but its performance is very erratic. It will cut out for no clear reason. Even a simple operation like stopping ( very carefully) and reversing is enough to make it go dead. Sometimes it takes as much as half an hour to recover. As there is no reset button and no clear indication of a fault ( tracks are well connected, rails are clean, inner and outer loops are wired as suggested with correct polarities) using it is a very frustrating experience.

The Select ( which has latest firmware)  is even more problematic.  It did power the A4 for a few minutes and the engine even managed to emit a mournful whistle. Then the Select died following an emergency stop. I reset it to factory settings but it now displays the OL code if the A4 is on the track. If the track is empty it will display the 03 allocation but any attempt to run a train causes an apparent short. I have not tried the Flying Scotsman with it  as I don't want to damage the motor. I bought a decoder for this but I'm not fitting it until the controler issue is resolved.


Is there a fault with the decoder on the engine? Or - more likely - is there an issue with the controller? It's always possible I have missed some simple thing but right now I don't think either controller is fit for purpose.  I'm thinking of contacting Customer Care to  ask for replacements but felt I should enquire here first.

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Brother Paul, welcome to the Forum..........assuming you do not have the use of a 'rolling road', I would suggest you lay a couple of lengths of straight track with a power connector and try each controller with each loco in order to determine if there may be a fault within the layout or with a loco or controller...........HB

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Hi Paul, very frustrating for a new start.  The problems are clearly overload on your controllers but this shouldn't be happening, particularly with Select which can handle 1Amp, enough for at least 4 modern locos.  The DC controller (cheapie from the FS set 2e0) is another matter, known to overload at the drop of a hat and has a thermal cutout so has to cool down to reset.  But it really should handle one loco.


HB's suggestion is a good one (eliminates any layout problems to test the locos) except, unless you fit the decoder to FS before testing with the Select, you run the risk of burning out the motor, so don't. Make sure of 2 things though: only one controller connected at a time; and use a DCC power connector for DCC, not the DC one.  You can convert the DC one to DCC by flipping open the black plastic box and clipping out the 2 legs of the capacitor found inside.  It will still be fine for DC after doing this.


All that said, as it is all new and under warranty, I'd consider taking it back to the supplier/s and have them sort it out.

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This may be asking the obvious but you do not have both controllers connected at the same do you....

....as that is a big no-no.


The fact you are having double controller trouble suggests the common factor is either the track or the loco.

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Should be obvious by now Rob. See mine above 2nd para 2nd line. 


Jwwo yo lr rgw vlxj!


translation for those baffled by the Oz language

...keep up at the back..

my keyboard is different so ! is presumed to be a k.


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