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programming a 2nd r8247 to elite controler


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Jonny5, you haven't really given us a lot to go on. So I am making some assumptions.


  1. My first assumption is that your first R8247 was installed using the default configuration it had when taken out of the box. Namely that the R8247 had its four ports numbered 1 to 4.
  2. My second assumption is that you only have the Elite controller and do not have access to RailMaster.
  3. My third assumption is that you have tested your new second R8247 using its default  out of the box 1 to 4 addresses to prove that it functions correctly on those addresses, before trying to change them.
  4. My fourth assumption is that you want to give the new second R8247 new unique addresses such as 5 to 8.
  5. My fifth assumption is that it is the 'how to change the default 1 to 4 addresses to the new 5 to 8 addresses' that is the crux of your issue.


If you haven't performed the test in assumption 3, then I recommend you do that first before following the procedure below.


To change the addresses of the R8247 it needs to be the ONLY device directly connected to your Elite Prog A & B terminals.


To perform the address configuration of R8247 ports using an Elite. Use the configuration method called 'Group Addressing'. The port addresses 5 to 8 are GROUP 2. To configure the R8247 ports as Group 2 using the Elite, you write to CV513. This is all explained in the R8247 user guide data-sheet, but not explained very well in the Elite user guide. The description in the Elite user guide doesn't use the 'Group Address' method which is explained a little clearer in the Accessory Decoder manual and is in my mind a little easier to follow.


To save me just replicating the manual, by typing it out again, I have pasted the relevant extract from the R8247 manual below. Just follow the steps described below exactly as written. At step 7 - rotate the control so that 2 is displayed as the group number.




Step 10. Disconnect the R8247 from the Elite Prog A & B terminals and re-attach to the main track along with your existing R8247. You can now test the configuration using Accessory addresses 5 to 8 for the four R8247 ports.


Note: If you have been unaware of the Group Addressing concept and have tried to address the new R8247 directly as ports 5 to 8. Then you may possibly have set the R8247 to Group 5. Group 5 equates to port addresses 17 to 20.


Therefore if performing my assumption 3 test and you find that the default ports 1 to 4 don't work, then try ports 17 to 20 to see if you have inadvertently set the decoder to Group 5 instead of port 5. If you can't get the R8247 to work on any port addresses you try, then perform a factory reset (see TIP below) and start again from the beginning.


TIP - To perform a factory reset of the R8247 Accessory Decoder (back to port addresses 1 to 4) write decimal value 8 to CV8. In fact I would perform this reset anyway, just to eliminate the possibility of the decoder configuration having been corrupted. Another forum user recently had an issue where a R8247 wouldn't work or accept address configuration, a CV8 reset resolved his issue.


To write 8 to CV8 (follow procedure as per pasted image documentation above but with the following modifications).


At step 5 in the screen shot type 8

At step 6 screen should now display CV 0008W 000

At step 7 rotate knob to enter decimal value 8


Operating the point.


You should know this already if you have successfully been using your first R8247, but I have included it for other readers who might not.


To operate a R8247 port once the R8247 is connected to the main track output. Press the Elite 'ACC' button. Then key in the address i.e 5, 6, 7 or 8 (or rotate the knob to select the address you want). Then use the left and right control knobs (pressing them) to switch the point left and right.

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If I'd known you had access to RM. I could have just given a one paragraph reply providing a link to the other user post I mentioned. He had exactly the same problem and solution, but used RM and eLink.


Oh well, never mind. Someone else will probably come along who only has an Elite and will benefit form this particularly long reply.


Main thing, your issue has been resolved.

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