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 Rail joiners must be a tight fit to enable a good electrical contact. It pays to persevere with the 'lay on a flat surface and push together' method, because this in undoubtedly the best.  In extreme cases, if for example it is possible the rail; joiner has been squashed I keep a short length of rail (just the metal bit, with the end de-burred and filed so that it has a very slight chamfer) and ease the first millimetre (no more) with that.


Once you get the foot of both rails into the rail joiner a gentle but firm pressure should be all that is necessary.  I also find it a good idea to run your finger over the joint afterwards feeling for a raised bit just to make sure the rails are seated properly. It is very easy to get only one rail in correctly, and the other one riding over the rail joiner, which is a sure fire way of getting derailments. If you do find a bump I am afraid you have to do it again!

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