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Settin Up an ESU Locksound V4 Sound Decoder in Railmaster

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I recently purchased a new Hornby R3110 61XX Prarie Tank. The dealer fitted this Decooder for me, but I am having some problems setting it up with my RM/ELink.

1. It runs in the opposite direction to my other Locos, which I suspect is a CV29 issue which I am looking at.

2. The Decoder appears to be very capable, but I am having difficulties setting up the Sound Function Buttons on the RM Loco Controller to match the Decoder Functions. How can I edit or add text to the Buttons?

3. Also when I minimise the Loco Controller from the main screen and then expand it again all of the text is missing from the Buttons. If I restart RM and maximise the Controller all appears well, but if I repeat the minimise/maximise operation, once again, I do not see any text other than the F number of the button.

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Q 1


Yes you are quite right, direction can be corrected by either reversing the motor wires or amending CV29 bit0.


This web site will give you all the information you need to reconfigure CV29




Q 2


Setting up a sound loco from scratch in RailMaster and editing the sound function buttons is covered in a previous post of mine in the form of a 'step by step' tutorial. It was written for a specific model but the principle of the tutorial will be applicable to yours as well. Follow the links below


Adding the loco and editing function buttons so that they match the loco documentation.



Displaying and viewing the function buttons on the throttles (fourth reply up from the bottom).



Q 3


Make sure that the labels on the buttons are not too long. There is a character limit. They need to be abrreviated to short meaningful names. For example "Dir Lights" is better than "Directional Lighting".


Also make sure that the correct option (circled in red in image below) is ticked in the 'System Setttings' screen.




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Many thanks Chrissaf, a great help. All is now clear, but I have a little bit of tweaking to do to fine tune the Functions.(Sound Macros)

My only frustration at the moment is still that where after maximising the Loco Controller and subsequently minimising it. When I maximise again the text still dissapears from the Sound Function buttons! My only way to bring this back to a normal state is to restart RM.

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Report it as a bug using the inbuilt support request feature. But before doing that, it is always best practice to download the latest version from the top of the forum RM section and run it, to overwrite your existing copy. This seems to fix an awful lot of these obscure niggling situations.


Another thing you could try if that doesn't work, is to regenerate a brand new railmaster.ini file. This is covered as a 'How To' in another one of my previous posts.




Note however, that the 'How To' was written for the Elite not the eLink. In the 'How To' replace references to Elite with eLink. With the eLink make the "Check controller= " references in the 'How To' = 1 and not 0 and ignore the reference to "Elite feedback=1".


Back up your original "railmaster.ini" file somewhere else (a memory stick for example) in case you need to reinstate it.


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You could of course rename the ini file, then install the update with the eLink powered up and connected, and the installation should make a new ini file for you with the correct entries.  It won't do that if you haven't renamed the file, update installations leave alone any ini file found as you may have already customised it and not want it overwritten.

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