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CV1 reading 255


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Second hand loco buzzing as soon as it is on track before it was called up,  Supposed to be DCC 55.  Read CVs and CV 1 shows 255. Wanted to move on programming track  (I use railmaster with PC and used progrmming output) Tried to reset to 3 which seemed to work but then when I read CVs again CV 1 still showing 255

Any Suggestions 

Thanks in advance

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As Eric says, if it is buzzing as soon as it is placed on the track, then likelihood is that the Loco is not DCC Fitted but DCC Ready instead. It has a blanking plug where the decoder should be.


Another clue to this being the case, is that trying to read a CV returns a value of 255. There are very few CVs where 255 is actually a valid value. The most common reason for reading a CV as value 255 is because the controller cannot detect a decoder being present.


255 is a classic 'decoder not detected' value.


Until such time as you confirm via visual inspection (inside the loco) as to whether a decoder is fitted or not. You risk damaging the loco motor if you leave it sitting on the track and buzzing. Better be safe than sorry and remove the loco from the track until the decoder status is resolved.

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Its OK Salmon you don't have to censor yourself. You can mention Bachmann by name. Discussion of competitor products is allowed, it is only aggressive promotion / advertising that is frowned upon.

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Another way of testing without taking the body off is does it respond on track to address three or does it respond to address zero.


If it is controllable as three then there must be a decoder in there but if only reacting to zero then there definitely isn't one.

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You say you use RailMaster and PC. Note that if you are using eLink, AFAIK there is no address zero support with eLink.

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