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Wiring of layout - loco shorting


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Wonderered if anyone might be able to help sort a problem with my proposed layout!? Layout basically consists of two loops connected by two sets of points, and a siding coming off the outer oval.  I can run the loco on the outside oval without any problems.  I switch point A to send the loco on to the inner loop, adjust the other points on this track accordingly and engine will run around inner oval again witout any problems.  I then switch points C & D to enable the engine to join the outer track.  It proceeds ok but when it then goes over point A it stops dead and shorts the power supply (just one power for the whole track - just running one loco).  have tried moving link wire(s) to different positions but still doing the same.  Cannot understand the logic that I clearly have power to outer and inner ovals and that engine runs over points ok when it is confined to either of the two loops./media/tinymce_upload/9698783b46a68485c44cd6a3b112b1d6.jpg

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I suspect, that point A is just generating a short as the loco traverses it and has nothing to do with how the layout is wired. Your drawing indicates that the A & B points are curved points. There are many posts on the forum relating to issues with curved points.


However just to eliminate one alternative possibility see below.


Your description does seem to describe a rather unique problem. Based upon my interpretation of your description I don't think that this is your issue, but it is worth trying, if only to eliminate it from the possibilities.


The power clips used with the link wire are marked A & B where the wires connect.


If you currently have them wired A to A & B to B, change them to A to B & B to A


If you currently have them wired A to B & B to A, change them to A to A & B to B


Then test again and report back. If they are currently wired correctly, then reversing the wires (making them incorrect) and throwing either the CD points or the AB points (but not both cross-over sets of points together). I would expect to generate a short without any loco crossing any point.


Where you wrote

It proceeds ok but when it then goes over point A it stops dead

Is point A still in the crossover position in conjunction with point B or has it been reverted back to the outer oval route. Your description is not clear on this point.


PS - Thank you for the drawing, it helps a lot. For others to note. It doesn't matter if the drawing is hand drawn. It is the information it contains that matters.


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Hi Chrissaf!  Many thanks for getting back to me.  I had a feeling this might but a little unique as even though I am a beginner I cannot quite fathom the logic for this. With regards to the point A issue I put the point back to the outer oval (and also immediately change D to the oval ) to stop the engine derailing.  I will adjust the terminals to what you have suggested and see what this brings.  Many thanks for your input, much appreciated!

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