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Updating Elite from V1.0


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Yes, you can go both up and down from any version to any version. It is not necessary to update in chronological / numerical version order.

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Thanks Chris & John. I thought that it it would be ok, just the chronological bit concerned me a bit. I had no problem with any of my own updates John, but the updates for me , make the control a lot better when  when not connected to Rm. Brother now wants to install Rm for his  new layout.

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Gitter,  if it fails, due to its age, as per the other thread, Hornby, may not be able to help.  Its a risk, as some of the loder elites, had a problem, apparently. Do you know the nimber on the back of it.  john

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Not off hand John . He got it just before I purchased mine and my Elite is 13/07.  Very early ones.Yes,  I  have been reading pidders posts ,  just as I read 99%  of posts. IMHO failures with Elites are not age but component related. Just look at us John, some wee glitches , but still getting on with the job. 😉 😀

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You being an experienced ex-banker I would expect you to be a bit cautous as to risk taking. I too was taught to be cautous, but brother is set on it . If there is any pear shaped things ( who was 1st to come away with that ? Reggie Perrin? ) you'll no doubt hear me scream.

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To put things into perspective gitter I have updated/downdated Elites literally hundreds of times and never killed one yet doing it. 


I have killed them for sure but either by cross connecting wires or with a soldering iron, so be not afraid.


Think of how many Elites are out there and many of those have been for over ten years and the very very few that have been reported in as duff. 


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John, I did try to head off your prototypical pessimism in the other thread but, not surprisingly, failed. So let me put it this way and try again. 


How many Elites are we aware of that have died being upgraded?  One.  How many Elites are upgraded?  Very many. Which Elites get upgraded more, old ones or new ones?  Old ones, more upgrades have been available for them.   How many Elites have died of old age not being upgraded?  Quite a few.  Based on this evidence, what is the risk your old Elite will die in the process of being upgraded?  Very low, in fact acceptably low given the substantial benefits of upgrade, particularly for anything at 1.4 or earlier (Ie. an old Elite).


Is it acceptable to take low risks?  Yes it is. You take a risk every morning getting up out of bed, and you take it anyway. Then you double the risk when Heather gets up too.  But the pair of you still take it.


PS.  Yes I know prototypical is not the correct word, but this is a model rail forum so it's appropriate.

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Fishy, you have my suggestion on the other thread for clearing this up. Let us hope, it is acceptable. I would also prefer realist, in that i voice the views, others decline to express.  I totally dispute your views on risk. john

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John, to add briefly to my last word in the other thread, and if that's your view on risk, then don't play with your trains.  As soon as you switch something on, there is a risk it may fail, either at switch on, during operation, or when you switch it off.


And if you wish to ask Hornby a question, you'd better do so, no point doing it on here and expecting them to answer.  I think you have a good mate lodged in HCC to ask?  Let us know what he says.

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