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Voice activation Problem

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I have been successfully running my system by voice activation with no problems. I recently added a loco picture while configuring my dapol track cleaner which worked fine with pc operation but the track cleaner motor appeared to be intermittent with voice control. As i was using bluetooth headset i thought i may be better off with hard wired.(although voice control had worked efficiently in the past)  As the new headset plugged into an input output sound port i had a problem getting the microphone to work which i am still investigating. Returning to my bluetooth headset i am now experiencing a problem i had only seen on very limited occaision previously. Asking a locomotive to sound on works fine, point operation works fine, the command shunt is either ignored or highlights shunt on all engines with a number as though  it was editing a document. The same of course for cruise. Anyone else experienced this, i suspect i have a setting wrong or have corrupted a file. About to do a full re-install of computor and railmaster.

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There is no need for either a reinstallation of Windows on your computer or of RailMaster.


It sounds as though, while you were playing with settings for your hard-wired headset, you may have turned on Windows commands in the Speech option of the Windows Control Panel.  Un-check "Enable voice activation" in the Advanced settings of Speech recognition in the Windows Control Panel and that should hopefully resolve matters.  This will stop Windows itself from trying to interpret commands you are giving RailMaster.

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Thank you HRMS.

This answers a question I had from long ago in that Windows  voice tries to (but badly) translate any command it hears into a Windows command, including background noise walking around the room and this intereferes with RM Voice Control.


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May I just add that in general, reinstallation will be just about the last card in the pack to try, not one of the first.  This isn't to be confused with updating of RM where, when you have a problem,  you should nearly always first update to the latest version by downloading from the link at the top of the forum and installing over the top of your existing version.

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Something else that Win voice was doing in that scenario was translating keyboard noises and typing rubbish into my document as I was trying to type normally (waiting for sarky comments about that). That feature is more of a hindrance than a help In my opinion And should be off as default.

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