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Elite v1.44 is out.


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Eric, if you look at the contents of the 1.44 ZIP file. It contains 'how to update' instructions going all the way back to Win XP.


EDIT: HB beat me to it.....

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Marvellous ain't it? I put a page up on the Help Site just a couple of days ago with the instructions to get the Elite firmware update working with Windows 10 from 1.41 (as mine was left that way for a good while as I now use the eLink) to 1.43 and then this happens... 😮


Not looked at the new update as yet as I have just read this thread but will consider modifying the page for anyone who wants to read it. Now, did Hornby (I ask with a pinch of salt) pinch my instructions? And am I bothered? Not at all. They probably didn't and this was purely coincidental but it is good that a new update is finally available and works first time it seems. Way to go...

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Awaiting the updated changes sheet to confirm the official wording, but there were a couple of peculiar 'function handling' issues fixed by the update. Unfortunately the earlier changes sheet (1.43 from 1.42) has been included  with v1.44 update, which I have reported in).


One was a display issue where if you selected any or all of the functions on the F20-28 screen the indicators carried over onto the other function range screens (F00-F09 and F10-19), which was wrong, This is fixed and any function selected now only shows the indicator on its own range screen.


Second was as obscure as they come and was only likely to be noticed by sound loco users - say a TTS user has a diesel with F1 selected (Engine on), then presses F11 (cab door), this knocked out correct operating of F5-F8 (notching up and down, idle and thrash). Deslect F11 and the F5-8 work Ok again. Although it initially seemed to be a TTS issue it was actually an Elite problem. Now fixed.


So is it worth installing - yes if you use functions in those ranges.


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Just installed 1.44 successfully (I think). Just two points to make. Firstly, I fired up Railmaster straight after the Elite had restarted, but RM didn't seem to find it. There were no messages on the screen, but the controller icon remained "greyed out", the points/signals settings flashed through without actually setting anything. So I unloaded RM, did a reset of the Elite through the menu, and it restarted in Standard mode (goodo !). RM was restarted and this time it worked fine. However, when I hover the mouse cursor over the controller icon in RM, it displays "Controller A version 2.24" (???). This version 2.24 is also reflected in the Railmaster log file.


Everything seems to be working ok though.



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Ray, regarding your reported 2.24 status mis-match. Does the Elite still show 1.44 on LCD screen during 'power start' or 2.24 ?


Just curious.....

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My RM shows v1.44 for the Elite, although I haven't taken the latest RM for a couple of weeks or so.


Ray if Elite is showing 2.24 are there any characters from a previous screen carrying over.

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Hi Chris,

Murphy's law just kicked in. I powered everything down to have my lunch. Then I saw your post and powered everything back up. It now says 1.44 when I hover over the RM controller icon (!!!) and the messages in the logfile are:-


13/04/17 13:09:34   Initialised Controller successfully

13/04/17 13:09:34   Type: Hornby Elite  Version: 1.44


I wish I had kept the previous log. I am fairly sure the second line simply said "Type:  Version: 2.24". No mention of Hornby Elite.


Maybe the pc restart sorted something out with the USB connection...perhaps?


I didn't notice the version when I previously reset the Elite but this time it definitely dislayed 1.44.


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Just one of those glitches then that happen from time to time, cleared with the old favourite "switch it off.....switch it on" routine.


At least nothing more sinister going on......that's a relief.

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If anyone is using W10 to carry out this update (as I have just done) you may be interested to note that there are some small differences to the instructions you will find in the "Help & Advice" section of this web-site, no doubt as a result of a recent Windows Update.


When you have saved the update file to the desktop (where it is easier to find later) you click "Open", not "Extract All" which is not available as an option.


When you have reached the last action of the Elite's Preparation stage (i.e. released the STOP button) you will note that the screen may not be entirely blank. You may see the Mode indicators showing very faintly across the top of the screen (TRAIN, SET-UP & ACC) and the character fields filled in and showing as 8 gray boxes. The rest of the screen is however blank.


Also to note if you have RM open during this process the Elite icon will be "lit" but will show (if you hover your mouse cursor over it) as "Controller A inactive". Close down RM and start it again.


Ensure the Elite re-starts in "Standard" mode.



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I think so Fishy. Not only does it establish that "bugs" and other unhelpful responses have been addressed (or not) it also helps to prove the stability of the process for the slightly more timorous. R-

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No mincing about there now Rog, call a wimp a wimp!  And to all the wimps, I'm not intending to offend ( he says as he offends again), just joking.  And not trying to say I think anyone is a wimp.  I'm sure no one is, just that some of us use different risk management strategies.  Would be oh so boring if we all did the same. 


Having now got both both feet well into my mouth, I'd also point out that, in the Australian vernacular, calling someone a wimp is often a term of endearment, not an insult.

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Trust me when I say mine updated first time and where you say there hasn't been a firmware that hasn't... there has.

On earlier updates with Win XP and Win 7 I had a couple of Elites from friends that just wouldn't do the job. Now that's not down to Windows but just the update procedure. I was caught a couple of times with Win 7 myself and was one of the main reasons I went over to the eLink. That's not to say I had issues with my Elite... not at all. Just the darned update when it wouldn't work until after a few attempts.

Of course, we all know Win 10 has played up too but most of that malarky is now behind us for both Elite and eLink.

There is nothing wrong with doing a firmware update... it's down to whether or not the update fixes elements you need fixed. Otherwise just plod on as normal... :-)

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Glitter, listening to band music is only for wimps! 


AC, that's not exactly what I meant.  To clarify, no updates to my knowledge, when they actually operated, ever failed to produce a firmware update that did what it was supposed to do.  I came into this story when the latest was 1.3 and Windows 7 just released if I remember correctly.  Hornby then released 1.4, a major upgrade with a whole lot of benefits but some bugs too, then a couple of months later 1.41 to fix the 1.4 bugs.  Everyone was trying to upgrade on XP, Vista and 7 machines.  On some it would work first time, or sometimes on the 2nd or 3rd go, on others it would not work at all.  There was no pattern as to why, no one had identified USB problems as you did later, even Hornby had no idea.  They kept a couple of known able to upgrade PCs down the back of the office to do upgrades on returned Elites the owners had failed with.

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