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Elite v1.44 is out.


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One of the main reasons there is little update to texts on Windows 10 is simple. It's just a case of Hornby not testing thoroughly enough and, more accurately, not having enough of a setup to test in all Windows 10 situations where different users have so many different configurations at hand. Hornby don't have the capacity to test like large corporates who pass their testing to third parties mostly.

In that sense WE are the third party. We do the testing and reporting via this forum and other means which helps Hornby pick up on things which they would normally never otherwise know about except from lost emails to a small office somewhere in the deep dark forests of time and space.

So prior to actually updating the texts where necessary they simply allow us lot to put fixes forward until the next big rewrite of the manual allows Windows 10 to be included.

The same thing happened when Windows 7 and 8/8.1 came out. Members asked that very same question... do I wait or upgrade now because nobody is telling us the same story and Hornby are not updating stuff.

As I have said in a previous post Windows 10 or any other version of Windows is absolutely irrelevant when updating firmware to any hardware. The software itself ONLY communicates with the driver for the hardware and the chips on the hardware itself. Yes, it requires an OS to work too (as does all software obviously) but it matters not which one as it does not communicate through the OS to do the update.

There may slight differences in how the update is actually written at some stage and how it communicates via the driver for the hardware but these are relatively tiny changes. I have a guide to update (using the Windows 10 driver) from v1.41 to v1.43 on my Help Site and there is, of course, now an update to v1.44 which installs in the same way. That new update was released the same day I placed the page on site but I wil update that shortly.

The risk of 'bricking' an Elite is extremely small and, to me, shows a possible inherent fault in earlier models - but NOT all earlier models. Mine is one of those and barring a glitch or too in the early days I now update first time. You can also go back several versions if the new one fails and try updating from those. Information is at hand for earlier ways to update which are significantly different to the new version v1.44 and uses earlier Windows drivers for the hardware.

Ultimately, one can say, if it works for you and you definitely do NOT want the updates then don't install. My problem with that is if you wait too long some updates COULD have issues when trying to place them after a couple of years. I speak here of some games, just a very loose example, where patches are loaded up in order and you are not allowed to skip one or two for example. This does happen on some motherboards and COULD be an issue for future updates to the Elite. It probably won't but it is worth a thought.

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Got to disagree with several points there...

...mainly about Hornby not checking enough, they do thorough evaluation on as many systems as possible for each update.


Third party beta testing is carried out.


The manuals are updated to suit.


...and also all Elite updates are standalone not patches, so any can be installed over any other way back to v1.0. No one update will be outdated by any Win system in sight to date. The only real difference in the installers is the early ones used bootloader which had to be unloaded if an update failed, only to reinstall at the next attempt. A real pest, since sorted with the new installer. 


It would have have been nice to try the new installer with earlier updates just to prove the recent update paging fix would have worked on those versions.


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Your first point... I was making a comparison where updates are not checked thoroughly enough by Hornby or anyone really. That's why Microsoft updates fail on some machines as opposed to others even if hardware and software installed is EXACTLY the same. If they can't get it right then how can Hornby? This is not a criticism of Hornby in any way - I was merely pointing out that they can't possibly test on all available situations for all users with differing configurations. It is absolutely impossible. Maybe I could have used better words than 'thoroughly enough'.

Third party testing, well I bow to that one as I should know better so apologies there.

Manuals are generally not updated immediately by the majority of companies and I spoke of that scenario. I don't always use Hornby manuals nor any others if I am honest so I may stand corrected there too. However, it is my experience that updates to these are slow if given at all (generally speaking - not Hornby).


Your paragraph outlining updates are not patches but standalone is correct. I did not say anything contrary to that. What I did say was "I speak here of some games, just a very loose example, where patches are loaded up in order and you are not allowed to skip one or two for example. This does happen on some motherboards and COULD be an issue for future updates to the Elite. It probably won't but it is worth a thought."

My words were very generic and not applicable to the Elite updates except that future updates may be done in a different way or a newer Windows 10 (considering no new Windows will be done after Windows 10) may be configured in such a way that drivers may need rewriting which could alter the process of the update being applied. I also said this 'probably won't'. I also mentioned motherboards and was implying PC or laptop motherboards and not the Elite although the sentence may imply it if you read it in one particular way.


I do see your points though and accept them fully. When trying to get a point across it easy to word things slightly incorrectly and for readers to not quite get the gist but I am glad you pointed them out.

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Oh boy.


I KNEW I should have just left it alone!

All appeared well until the end of the data transfer when a box came onscreen saying UPDATE FAIL!!

I tried another 3 times but get the same message. The Elite has a blank screen, just the green light. 

I thought of just going back to normal so unplugged and rebooted......to a blank Elite screen and apparently dead unit.


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Spireblade, sure you weren't using a USB 3 not 2?  My Yoga Pro has 2 USB 3s and the only 2 is the one that also takes the charger connection.  I believe Lenovo has been mentioned by AC as one brand with non-backwards compatible 3s.

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As far as everyone at Microsoft are concerned there will no Windows 11 or later versions at any point in the future.

The reason is that instead of version upgrades Microsoft are simply going to keep updating the operating system on a constant basis with new services and more. Eventually the name Windows 10 will be dropped and we will have only Windows. So any new interface designs will simply be incorporated into the present release without calling the OS something new.

When the OS was released in 2015 for free for a year to upgraders it was hoped that a massive uptake of the software would occur. It did. The OS is going to be the same across all platforms where Windows operates so integration of the PC/laptop/phone/tablet and more will be a doddle where data and usable on all devices at any one time.

There will be changes as to how we pay for the OS as well... probably on a subscription basis like Office is at present where you can pay per month or year to use it. This is still to be conformed as MS don't want to scare away customers they have just gained with the free Windows 10 release.


Windows 7 was a better version of XP if you know what I am trying to say here. Windows 10 is very good... fast and intuitive to a certain extent... with little crash time going on if at all. What I don't like though is all the bumf where data collection is done at a premium by Microsoft and vendors who install their lite versions of their software as updates etc. But, data is money and we all know what greedy folk do with money and data... take more data to make more money.

There is a slow trickle to Linux systems where the OS is free but it is too small to be of significance to anyone just yet and probably won't get much greater.

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Funny that... I read your post about getting the update to work on a different laptop and thought straight away... Lenovo! Then I read what make you gave...

Lenovo, and some other laptops it must be said, do have a problem with USB ports where not enough power reaches the sockets through bad/weak soldering, bad wiring or even incorrect/insufficient wiring.

It is pretty well known in the techie world. A PC is better at handling this job because the motherboards are far superiror to laptop ones in strength, power regularity and better circuitry full stop.


As Fishy says I have pointed out prior to now there are USB 3 sockets that simply will NOT be compatible with v2 no matter the blurb on the box. The newer USB type will be better at handling this type of update if applied properly to laptops but will not be connectable via the normal USB cables we have now without an adaptor.


If you think about why we are asked NOT to use a USB hub to connect up the eLink unit to a PC or laptop because the hub cannot deliver enough power and can be intermittent without it being independantly supplied via a mains outlet you will begin to see why I mention some iffy connectors on laptops and front panel USB connections on PC's.


Glad you're sorted now though Spireblade.

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I already have a lappie with the latest Linux on it - but I think I've turned it on once this year, so far, because most of my other non-railway software won't run on it without a lot of faffing about with conversion links which have to be re-loaded each time I want to use something, because another link to something else overrides and corrupts it! Grrr!

So all it gets used for is my e-mails, when windoze is acting up again!

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