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Trouble on Elite : some adresses KO + ON/OFF : what for ?


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I don't understand why, for 2 adresses, my Elite doesn't work. For these adresses, it is blocked in one direction and the speed cursor does'nt display. The loco don't move. I tried to reset the decoders, in vain. But i also tried to assign the default adress to another locomotive : the new locomotive does'nt move. I tried to change the adress of the first loco : this loco move with the new adress...It looks like a bug in the Elite. What do you think of that ?

A second question about the switch "ON/OFF" : what purpose does it serve ? I know it is not to cut of supply, and i didn' find it in the notice.

Thanks for your help !

EG (a french user)




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Welcome to the forums...

The on/off switch is a redundant feature from old firmware revision state and is now only used to top up the coal/water state during Sapphire decoder operations.


Can you tell us more about the bogey addresses you are having problems with as it has been shown previously that some addresses play up. It seems odd that you cannot reset these decoders to default address 003 by writing value 8 to CV8.


Also what revision state is your Elite - check this at startup along with the operating mode Standard or Classic then showing version 1.xx before displaying  default loco address 003.


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And it's likely not the Elite faulty, more likely the decoders.  We know tha sometimes decoders decide not to work on particular addresses, although we don't know why.  As Rob says, first reset them by writing 8 to CV8 and, if that doesn't fix it, use another address.

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Hello, thank you for your answer.

I was in 1.43 version. I just have updated it with the new 1.44, but no change.

To rectify what i had say : i succeed on reset each decoder, but if i assign again the adresses 6 or 7, then try to command the loco with decoders 6 or 7, the Elite refuse to recognize them and seem to be dead for these positions 6 or 7. 

Conversely, if i assign a new adress on each decoder, for example 16 and 17, it's ok : the Elite recognize them on positions 16 or 17.

Do you think it can be a default on the Elite ?

I don't want to test a complete reset of the Elite, because update is impossible with windows 7 and i need to do it with an older PC with Win XP...


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As stated above the Elite will not be the problem, especially as you have updated it successfully. You can use the update installer on any Windows machine, even French Windows. We have a couple of forum members who have French machines and use an Elite as well as updating them on Win7.


Can you please tell us what your decoder types are as there have been problems with some decoders not working with Hornby and other controllers, especially if you have any locos in use as loco zero (analogue).


You may also want to look at CV29 and report back the value set. It may be a long address is enabled but you are giving it a short address and this is confusing things.


There is a handy CV29 calculator on www.2mm.org . This will allow you to make sense of the CV29 value you read back.


Another thing is have you ever set these decoders into a consist/double-header.

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To reiterate my post EG, your Elite is most likely fine, just a blip with the decoders. Simply use another address as you've done.  And also again from above, there is now no issue in updating Elite firmware on any version of Windows with the newer installer now being used.  No one on here has failed to do so with an Elite that is working.  Look at the v1.4 is out thread, all successes reported all the way to Windows 10.

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I finally reset my Elite, and thus recovered mys two adresses 6 and 7. Probably a temporary bug.

It is possible that this bug comes when i program a double head (with others adresses) while my locos 6 and 7 were on the track...but not sure. 

Do I programm double-head only on an independant track ?

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GRRRRRRRRRR logged out again.....

I would suggest a read of the famous manual (RTFM) is the next step to,see if you enable,a double,header on the main or on the Prog track.

I would think POM as it would be a pest having to put both locos on the programming track as and when you needed to do stuff.


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