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Dcc on an n gauge layout

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Hi I wonder if anyone out there can please help me again, I have just managed to get rm working and on my track plan I have put my point buttons on, and when I connected the elink. and my computer the points worked no problem with rm however I had found that I had made a mistake with my layout and the points I had left points instead of right and vice versa so I changed my track plan to the correct way and hit the green tick but now no point buttons work and points decoder doesn't even click and I don't know what I've done. So I tried with a class 108 on my track and it worked no problem so I then tried my class 251 Midland Pullman and that works so I tried to run both together and they went for 2 seconds and stopped yet they run separately the dmu has just 1 decoder and the Pullman has 2 ( 1 either end ) and I'm using the supplied usb cable and the 1 amp transformer. I have 2 outer sections not working and I need to 're solder the 2 sets of wires but I have a signal every where else as I have used a train tech tester and it shows orange all over the layout and the 2 sections which I need to 're do work with the points open for that section until I close the point, but the dmu goes everywhere on my layout also sometimes my screen freezes and jumps around then settles down it also did this when I had changed the points at the beginning but that settled down as well and I wasn't sure if I should change my transformer to the 4 amp

I'm using n gauge but I thought that their would be very little difference between that and 00 for the amount of loco's that can be used at the same time also I have seen a lot of the topics that I have mentioned and I have lost them also I have noticed about the version numbers somewhere as well i.e. 1.65 etc mine is 1.65.1 revision 0 and I have accepted the downloads as well also I was wondering if I 're downloaded the software update over my version will this fix all the problems that I'm having I know that it must be down to the settings somewhere but I can't find where I have changed them

I'm putting my issues down to old age with my eyesight and not being able to find things again 

I would be very grateful to anyone who could steer me right and for all of your advice


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When you changed your track plan to replace left points with right and right points with left. Did you also delete the operating buttons and attach NEW operating button icons to the new points at the same time. If you didn't, then delete the point AND button icons and add them again from scratch.


You are not running the latest 21st March version of RM either.


It also sounds like you haven't got 'Set Points on Start Up' enabled (hence the screen jumping at the beginning of an operating session). Tick box for this is located in 'System Settings' window. Note: If you have 'ProPack', you also have to set the point start up 'order' in the track plan design screen.

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Also, it makes no difference whether you use left points or right points or Y points for that matter on your track plan as RM can't tell the difference when it fires a point.  All it knows is whether it is set left or right and has no need to know which of these is straight ahead and which is a turn. So just use whatever icon is convenient on your plan to make it neat and such that you can understand it.  But like CHRIS says, when you replace a point, replace the buttons too. 


I also cant can't imagine that 2 trains would use and exceed the 1 Amp. HRMS tells us they run their extensive testvlayout with just 1 Amp and I can't see it as being different in N gauge. 


Finally, don't forget Rule 1. If having problems, first download the latest from the link at the top of the forum. It is often later than the last update that was found by your current version. 

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Hi thanks very much again for your help and quick response however I did un check the set points on start up so I'll change it back also I had deleted the point buttons and put them back on into the middle of the points just to make sure that I didn't get any trouble with them but when I tried every one nothing happened also I had thought that about downloading from the top of the page but I was just making sure if I had to do this for the problems and with running the loco's could it be down to the power getting to the track like a dodgy soldering joints that's the only thing I can think of 

but thanks Chris and fishman for all of your advice and I'll try everything that you have said and see what happens


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