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Identifying loco address


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Just bought Hornby Elite - new, and a Bachman class 66 with sound - 2nd hand. Loco address is 6610.

as soon as I put on track I can't stop it except with emergency stop.

Will Elite recognise address 6610? How can I stop it running so I can change address?

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Have you got a seperate piece of track just for programming connected to the program output of the Elite........the loco can't move when placed on this track as there is no motor current......this will enable you to change the loco address and also disable DC running in CV29..........if this is alien to you have a read of the info this site......... www.2mm.org.uk/articles/cv29%20calculator.htm ..........HB

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First of all, you don't need to put it on the main track to change the address. Although it can be done on the main layout using 'Operate Mode', I would consider that programming mode for 'Advanced Users'.


Change the address using 'Direct Mode' with the loco on the 'Programming Track' [a short length of track connected DIRECTLY to the 'Prog A&B' output on the Elite]. The loco shouldn't move at all when on the 'programming' track.


Since the loco appears to have been configured with a 'four digit (long) address' i.e 6610 this makes life complicated for the novice. I suggest reverting the loco decoder back to the 'factory' condition first (particularly as you have no idea what other changes the previous owner may have made). Then you can start afresh.


To revert the loco back to factory default just write value 8 to CV8. If the Bachmann loco sound is factory installed, it will be a 21 pin Loksound decoder, probably a V4 Loksound decoder.


Once the decoder has accepted being factory reset, the address will become 003. Test it on that address on the main track before tinkering with CV's further. I find most Loksound V4 decoder CV defaults are fine and more than adequate. However, the default 003 address should be changed to something different. Addresses in the range 001 to 127 are deemed 'short addresses'. Addresses above 127, up to 9999 are deemed 'long addresses' (your current 6610 address is a long address). Once you have decided what new address you want to use, review the Elite manual for configuring either 'short' or 'long' addresses as appropriate for the address you have chosen to configure. You should put the loco back on the 'programming track' to change the address.


I would not have expected the loco to take off when just placed on the track. This is something that would happen if you placed a DC loco, or a DCC loco that has NOT got a decoder in it on a DCC track. Are you really sure that the previous owner has not removed the decoder. Loksound decoders are a valuable commodity as they cost £90+ when new.


If the decoder is indeed missing, do not place the loco on the DCC track, else you risk damaging the electric motor.

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One more thing.  If you are using power clips or power tracks, make sure they are the correct ones for DCC, as using dc ones can cause problems.  If they are dc ones, they can be made into DCC ones by prising them open and removing the suppresion capacitor.  The best thing to do is solder the power feeds directly to the rails.

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The OP has an issue, such that the loco is taking off when just placed on track. The unanswered question is what is causing that?


I'm just being 'belt n braces' in suggesting a factory reset. As I commented in the reply, what other changes has the previous owner made. Who knows. At least restoring to factory condition gives a known starting point. If the issue is not resolved, the chances are the next contributor would then suggest a factory reset anyway. Might as well get it done up front and out of the way, so that contributors can concentrate on other possible fix suggestions, knowing that a factory reset has already been tried.


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PS - With the Elite. The 'Emergency Stop' doesn't do a DCC controlled stop of the locos. It just abruptly cuts the power to the track. So if your loco has indeed had the decoder removed as intimated as a possibility in my earlier reply, then the Elite 'Stop' button will cut the track power and stop it.

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Have you got a seperate piece of track just for programming connected to the program output of the Elite........the loco can't move when placed on this track as there is no motor current......this will enable you to change the loco address and also disable DC running in CV29..........if this is alien to you have a read of the info this site......... www.2mm.org.uk/articles/cv29%20calculator.htm ..........HB

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Dringblack, even though I'm late to this topic, may I start by welcoming you to the forum, we seem to have inadvertently forgotten to do that. 


Second, let me answer your question - yes, Elite can recognise and use address 6610, just as it can use all addresses from 001 to 9999. As has been said above (everything said above is good although noting though you don't need to worry about programming on the main just now, as Chris has said), this is known as a long address, the only significance of which is that long addresses are stored differently in the decoder to short ones. 


But the address is irrelevant if the loco just takes off, this needs fixing first. There are 2 reasons it might do this.  The first is the possibility there is no decoder inside, just a blanking plug for DC running in the socket where it should be.  You should eliminate this possibility by checking inside.  Given you believe you bought it as a sound loco, it would be very naughty if this were the case, but check anyway. 


So assuming the decoder is there, the next thing is to make sure you are using a DCC connection to the track (or programming track).  Check under the cover and remove the capacitor if there, as Rog says.  You've now done all of the preparatory stuff and we can get down to business.  If you did in fact have to remove a capacitor, try putting it on the track again and see if it still takes off.  DCC locos taking off this way is known as DC runaway and is caused by the decoder thinking the DCC signal is DC.  A DC power clip could have caused it, or it could be due to dirty wheels, poor pickup contact on the wheels, or dirty track.  So clean everything and check good tension on pickups to wheels.


Can you now put it on the track without it taking off?  If so you can follow the Elite manual to select address 6610 and you should be able to check out if it runs ok.  You should also be able to to select functions, again as per the manual, and play some sounds. 


But you said you want to change the address to something else?  If so, you need to put it on a programming track as described above and follow the manual instructions on how to do so.  I would follow Chris 's advice to first write 8 to CV8 to start from scratch.  Again the manual tells you how to do this, then how to write the address you want, which can be anything except the default 003. 


Tell us us how you went with all of this.  Assuming it is now working on the address you want, we can also tell you how to make sure it never runs away again by turning off DC Running in CV29 (that's above too).  And do use the text box and green Reply button, not the blue quote a post button.

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Thank you to everyone for your comprehensive replies.

As you can tell I am a novice, who has moved from a Select to Elite.

I didn't fully grasp why there was a separate program track. I thought it was only so you didn't keep having to take your locos off the track

I have successfully tamed my class 66 and also brought to life a class 56

I really appreciate that you all took time to read my problem and then to give such in depth answers, which make sense of some instructions in the manual.

Thank you all. I know where to come to next time 


B. Dring


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