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Select Controller problem


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My two boys have a Select DCC controller and they frequently snap to wires that fit into the Track A and B sockets as they are not careful enough when they handle it.

Normally i just empty out the broken ends from the sockets, expose some new wire, reinsert, job done.  

This time, though, the Controller seems to be trapped in limbo and is making a tick-tick-tick-tick sound and the display is displaying nonsense.

Is there something I can do to break it out of its "spasm" (best way i can think of describing it).

Thanks very much


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Try re-setting the controller......

1. Press and hold the STOP button + the two arrow keys. The LCD display will show "C5"

2. Press "Select". The display will show "0"

3. Press "Select". The Red LED will flash 5 times to confirm the settings. The display will show "03"



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I tend to agree with Rog.

If the display is continuously repeating 'garbage' then it is likely to be a short causing the 1Amp power supply to self protect and drop voltage, which causes the Select to reboot, ad infinitum until the short is resolved.

Have a good look in the terminals for stray broken strands of wire.

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Thanks all for taking the time to offer suggestions.  Gave it another couple of shakes and a blow and that sees to have sorted it.  Must have been a cheeky bit of wire hanging around inside.

All fixed now and kids have stopped moaning (at least about the railway not working).

Thanks again for everyone's help.


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