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Surface point motor firing issues


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I have Hornby Slect and just purchased R8247 Point & Accessory decoder plus 4 surface mounted point motors.

I have wired the decoder with Green (+) Black © & Red (-) as per online videos. The Select unit is adressed as "61" as per instructions and will only fire the points in 1 direction, there is no movement or click when I press the opposite arrow on Select unit. I have tried other point motors and get same result, only fire one way, I have checked the "A" & "B" wires match up from unit to track etc.  I have also tried a second point motor which automaticaly was allocated "62" as its address and same again only fired in one direction

Thank you in advance to any help offered

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Only firing one way is a wiring fault.

Dd you use Hornby or Peco motors, as the common on Hornby is black, but I think it is the green with a Peco one! I don't have one to hand, to check.

Also, it takes a few moments for the capacitor in the decoder to charge up again, before it can fire.

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When something you have read talks about reversing the Red & Green wire. This relates to a situation where the point fires in the wrong direction. That is to say, it switches left when you want it to switch right and switches right when you want it to switch left. Reversing the Red & Green wires reverses the direction the point fires. Normally I would have the Red wire on the + and not the - as you have done. But whichever way that makes the point operate in the right direction is the correct wire orientation.


When a point only fires in one direction but not the other. This is invariably because the Green & Black wires are reversed. Any instructions you have seen that says put the Black wire on the common C terminal, is written for Hornby point wiring colours. Whereas, PECO use the Green as the common return for the C terminal.


This is explained more fully in this previous post (5th reply down on the page)



If your wiring is indeed correct. That is to say, you are using a Hornby R8243 surface mount point motor and not a PECO PL-11 point motor and your C terminal is terminated with the Hornby Black wire (as your posts suggest is the case). Then another reason why a surface mounted Hornby point motor only operates in one direction is because it is sticking. Either due to poor alignment or more often or not (and this is a very common issue with the R8243 motor) the fixing screws are too tight. The case of the R8243 can flex if the fixing screws are tight and cause the moving part inside to stick. Loosen the screws slightly, just enough to feel a slight amount of movement in the motor housing relative to the baseboard and test again.

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