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Ramsay's British Model Trains Catalogue


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In one of the replies on this form this paperback was mentioned.  Having now purchased a copy of the 9th edition 2 Volumes I am impressed with it's breathe, depth of knowledge and the sheer amount of work that has gone into it.

I had read about the cost and how much people were selling second hand copies for so started looking around.

These are the current prices

Amazon £34.99
W H Smith £34.99
Hattons £34
Waterstones £34.95

Plus people trying to sell them on ebay for even more.

The silly thing is that they are still available from the BRM website (both published by the same company)  for £14.99 plus £5 UK postage and packing so why these other places are charging the price they are I have no idea.  That price is for both Volume 1 and 2.

Anyway at that price I would certainly recommend it.  As a historical resource and as a way of identifying locos, carriages wagons etc.  It is fantastic. So thanks to the person that brought it up in an earlier reply. 

Hope that someone finds this helpful.


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