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elite and select controller


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i  am using my select controller as a walkaround connected to my elite controller.

The problem i am having is when i call up a loco on the select controller, i am having to press the select button several times before it actually finds the loco to control it.

Sometimes it finds it straight away, but most of the time it can take 6 prods of the button.

Any ideas please


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Possibly a dirty switch! Try a proper press rather than a quick prod!

Check that all your plugs are in tight, and the connection to the track is sound. (Not the noisy sound!)

If the Elite works the loco's and the Select doesn't, the fault is between the two controllers.

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The subject of dodgy switch action has been covered before on the forums but to recap.


If the Select has been out of use for a long while then the buttons can become unresponsive. This applies to the Elite also.


The 'buttons' used are the selection part on the face presses on either directly or by way of a hard rubber pad onto a curved triangular metal plate which bridges contacts on the PCB. The action of the curved plate scrapes any corrosion from the contact area to ensure reliable contact.


A far better but much more expensive method would have been the use of proper press to make tactile switches in lieu.


Excercise the buttons many times and they will work again.


I have adopted a routine of starting up my Elite in test mode after returning 'home' from my UK/Cyprus visits and checking all the buttons work. I don't know if the Select has a similar mode that could be invoked - must have a fiddle to find out.

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 Thanks for the advice,I will now go and check these suggestions.

The Elite controller connects straight away, so could be the buttons on the Select.

The connections to the track are good, I have a ring main running round the underside of the board with droppers every four feet, the board is twenty feet by eight feet.

The controller's have been idle for about two years, due to house move, and I am now in the process of building the new railway.

Regards Chris

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