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Making Brake Squeal Automatic


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Just thinking:  Would it be possible for hornby to incorporate into their TTS automatic break squeal?  As far as I am aware, every sound decoder I know of has this function set as automatic when the train comes to a sudden stop.  I believe this would add greater realism to their TTS sound and at the same time would make it less difficult to have to judge getting the sound just right as we do now.  I also believe that adding this one function would make their TTS sound more competitive which would only be good for Hornby.  Oh and if this could be added to the TTS before the City of Birmingham comes out, I would really appreciate it!  lol  :)  Cheers!

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Your post title has been amended Aussie LNER, which will make future searches a little more effective. Regrettably, I cannot alter your post text.


Welcome to the forum.




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The way we operate our model locos both DC and DCC is by closing the throttle and letting the unit slow down to a stop (under influence of any decell CV settings in DCC).


In the real world if you close the throttle the train rumbles on until you apply a dynamic brake to stop it. This has been done on some controllers and in TTS sound you are simulating a brake by manually applying brake squeal function, even though it has no effect on actual deceleration.


In the TTS steamers use is made of bemf to sense when to change from chuff to coast on a trailing throttle and as the speed drops and the motor takes up the load then chuff resumes, so possibly this could be used to invoke brake squeal, but how does the decoder know when a loco is actually stopping and not just coasting as we have no speed sensing only motor load.


On TTS diesels things are not as simple as the motor sound is notched according to TTW settings (i.e. change up or down speed step brackets). There is no bemf as such looking after sound just looking after cruise control as it were. Again it could be possible to invoke brake squeal but how does the decoder know when to do it. Maybe as the decoder is commanded the lower TTW speed steps then the brake comes on, but this could be from any actual track speed.


Just my thoughts on the matter and I could have the mechanics of it all wrong as to if it is possible or not from a decoder point of view.

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If using RM  with TTS locos you can use a program to make brake squeal automatic, as you can invoke any function or combination of functions and other actions or events on a timed basis.

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