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R8249 or R8245?


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I have recently purchased to bachmann locos, GWR class 57 and EWS class 66. The 57 is running with bachmanns 36-557 21 pin chip and the 66 has hattons own 21 pin chip. The 57 is very jerky and the chip dosn't want to program, while the 66 runs and programs, it seems to be slow to accelerate/deccelerate. Hattons recomended changing both locos to hornby chips as I use the elite controller but I am torn bewteen getting the 8249 and bachmanns 36-559 21 to 8 pin adaptor or the 8245. I know the 8245 is a powerfull all singing and dancing chip, but it is probabbly more than I need. On the other hand i'm not sure if the 8249 is enough to run either engine. The only functions both have are head/tail lamps and cab lights and I use them for shunting as well as hauling trains. Which chip would you recommend?

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Seems to me you have 2 functioning decoders that need some adjustment. Would be much simpler to do the adjustments than to replace them, then have more adjustments to do. 


For the 36-557, it is well known to need adjustments for smooth running, I think it may be CVs 54 and 55.  This should be in its instructions, otherwise google it.  You could also do a forum search on 36-557 in post contents, it's been referred to here many times. 


For troubles programming, first make sure everything is spotlessly clean.  Next, disconnect the track and connect only the programming track.  Then also apply a little downward pressure and see how you go.


And for quicker response on the 66 accel/decel, reduce the value in these CVs for faster response.  Try 5 for each.


Finally, there is no reason you have to use Hornby decoders with the Elite, it should program and control any brand of NMRA compliant decoder. 

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Prog track output from the Elite is current limited so your  57 shouldn't roll, maybe twitch a bit or flash its lights as an acknowledgement it has actioned the programming but certainly not move any distance.


Are you sure the prog track is isolated from the main or any other Elite connections.


I would try a reset on that decoder to put all its ducks in a row before any further adjustment is made.

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I managed to program the 57 via the reg mode and then adjusted the accel and decel which has smoothed out it's running. I reset the 66, reprogramed its address and changed the accel and decel to the same as the 57 and it runs alot better. Certainly no running into buffers at speed with the controller to 0. Thanks for all the help you guys have provided.

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