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Speech recognition visual requirement

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While using speech to operate my railway i do not have direct vision to my laptop.As the speech command is returned with confirmed i did not see this as a problem.

However the confirmed statement only confirms a command , if the command was not as one intended there is no audio way of telling only by screen vision. If  i have issued an engine speed command , and then several point commands later (i have a large point indicator board seperate to screen which is always visible)  return to further altering the engine speed (having forgotten which of the engines i am operating), i have found that  the engine i am watching is not the engine i have changed the speed on.(my error but quite catastrophic) Or i address an engine and the command hears it as a differant engine (due to occaisional speech error) but states confirmed (command is accepted) once again what is being programmed is different to  expectation

. Now i have emergency stops such that when i spot an error or derailment i can shut down the hardware instantly. I aim to solve the above problem by fitting a larger screen next to the point indicator board as a slave screen to the laptop screen so that i can check my speech commands as issued.

. However i would have thought railmaster could repeat sound wise the essence of a command stating point or engine identity rather than just confirmed. Then we would know that the command issued was the command applied .

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