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DCC loco will only run on dc

Ard Lochan

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I have a R3105-HX01 class 7P PrincessRoyal 4-6-2 `Princess Arthur of Connaught with a factory fitted chip, When placed on the dcc tracto program it buzzes like a dc loco would, and I am unable to program it. When placed on the dc track it runs perfectly. I have removed the tender body and the chip is present and connected properly. Is there a setting in config for this or is it fubard, Regards Neilo.

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Hornby 3105 comes up as a Castle!

You say your Princess has a decoder in it, but are you SURE it is a decoder, and not just a blanking plug? Are there any electronic components on the plug or just a few link wires?

As the motor buzzes on a DCC track, but runs on dc, I'd suggest there is no decoder in it!

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Assuming that this is your loco (product description below for a R3105 shows it as a Castle and not a Princess). It is a DCC Ready loco, it was never fitted with a DCC Decoder at the factory. You would not be the first to mistake a 'DCC Blanking Plug' to be a DCC decoder. Everything you have described in your post, points to your loco being 'DCC Ready' and not 'DCC fitted'. Including the statement that you can't program it, and the buzzing it makes when placed on a DCC track. A 'DCC Ready' loco is in effect an Analogue DC loco. Use the images below to confirm whether you have a 'Blanking Plug' fitted or a decoder. If it is a 'Blanking Plug' do not put your loco on your DCC track else you risk burning out the motor. The function of the 'Blanking Pug' is to connect the motor wires across between the wheel pickups and the motor until such time as it is removed and replaced with a proper functional DCC decoder (see very bottom image for an example decoder).




Typical 8 pin Blanking Plug.



Hornby R8249 DCC 8 pin Decoder.



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OK...being a R3015 and not a R3105 does not change my previous answer reply. The R3015 is still shown as 'DCC Ready' and not 'DCC Fitted'.




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Ha! The plot thickens....  The box says `R3015-HX` and from what I can gather is a factory fit dcc model, But in the box is a sleeve for the chip. Now if that was a factory fit the sleeve would not be in the box. On close inspection there is no chip in the tender, just a blank plate, so either someone has pinched the chip or there are other deceptions going on. This loco came from a well respected seller, not from ebay. A phone call is on the cards for tomorrow, thanks all for you input.

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I would suggest the -HX is more to do with the factory than the usual X suffix denoting DCC Fitted.


Or of course it may be a code for say Hattons DCC Fitted in which case it wasn't .

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That would be a confirmatary giveaway then - a speaker, not yet mentioned, lurking somewhere within the innards.


The plot thickens even further - why not -HXS then and not -HX01.

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