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Elite and eLink on same layout can it be done?


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just wondering if it's possible to connect both an Elite and an eLink to the same layout? Can both controllers be powered or would this supply too much voltage to the layout?  Also which would you connect to your programming track?




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You cannot connect two DCC controllers to same physical track. To do so risks damaging the controllers. Even if there was no physical controller damage, it still wouldn't work because the digital signals coming out of the two controllers would interfere with each other and prevent control signals being correctly recognised by the decoders.


Even if you create two track domains using insulated rail joiners (IRJs) so that the two controllers are electrically separated, this will still not work because when the metal wheels of the rolling stock bridge the rails each side of the IRJs, the output of the two controllers will be shorted together.


Note - For Your Info (since you have mentioned eLink): The only reason RailMaster supports a two controller option (controller A & controller B) is that in that configuration, controller A is connected to the track to control just the locos whilst controller B is connected just to DCC Accessory Decoders in isolation to control points and accessories. Controller A is the only controller capable of performing 'programming' functions in this dual controller configuration. The 'Prog A&B' output of Controller B would be left unconnected. This dual controller option is only supported because the outputs of the two controllers will never ever come into contact with each other.


If you were to explain why you are considering this, then we might be able to offer an alternative solution. Reading your post between the lines, it sounds like you want to increase the power going to your layout to run more locos. You would do this using a 'Booster' not a second controller, but the use of 'Boosters' are not always an appropriate solution in all cases and needs careful design considerations to be taken into account. As said above, explain your issue and we may be able to offer appropriate advice.


If you are just after having more physical control knobs. Then you can connect up to seven unpowered Select controllers to your Elite in Master & Slave configurations. The Select Slaves receive their operating power from the Master Elite. None of the Select Slaves are connected to the track.


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