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eLink Controller issues

Terry Porter

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Please forgive me is I have posted this in the incorrect forum or if I am repeating a previous question - I did look but could find nothing. I am new to modelling (at least as an adult) and not previously used the forums other than reading them.

I have just turned on my layout for the first time in a while. When it was all switched off everything was working fine, howeve, this evening when all turned on, my elite controller was emitting a loud clicking which was in perfect harmony to the LED flashing green on and off. Can anyone advise me on what this may be, what may have caused it and what if anything I can do about it. It is still under warranty.

Any help would be greatfully appreciated.

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See if the clicking stops if you disconnect everything from it except the power supply and the USB lead. If it does stop clicking then there may be a short circuit on your main layout track or programming track.


If it still clicks with everything disconnected, then it has probably developed a fault and since it is under warranty, get it exchanged. At this stage, also try unplugging the USB lead as well, and power it up with just the power connected and nothing else, just to be doubly sure it is faulty.


Although not a DCC controller, I have experienced electronics that have become damaged just through the act of powering them up. I once had a PC (1980's XT) which when I pressed the on/off switch, my finger slipped off the power button causing audible arcing on the power switch contacts. The resultant power surge fried the BIOS on the Motherboard. The PC was only 1 hour old as I had just bought it and got it back home and powering it up for the very first time. The retailer was rather surprised to see me back in the shop so soon, but exchanged it for another one no quibble. I was very careful switching it on and off from then on.

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Thank you for all the replies.

I was just about to post that I had fixed the issue when I saw the replies.

I found an old forum entry, which suggested some of the above and it was still doing it when it was not connected to either the layout (so not a short) or the PC. I then plugged the mains adaptor into a different outlet (it is plugged in via an extension cable) in the extension and it worked fine. I then tried it back in the original socket and it still worked fine. I think it needed to have a full reset (I left it for hals an hour connected to nothing. 

So all is now well. Thanks for all the support.

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Thank you for the update. You would be amazed at how many don't bother to advise if the information offered has been of any help. And we are left wondering if the original poster has even seen the replies.

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Hi when I first switch on my railmaster and elink mine clicked and blinked as well but after a few seconds it stopped and I thought that it was part of it setting up but with reading above I'll have to go through everything and check it out to see what the problem is when I connect it back up with my layout as I'm still finishing it off 


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Hi Hedley, I don't wish to sound negative but when I read this thread I find that Terry thought he had a problem but in fact he didn't, everything was fine after a restart. Now you are suggesting it is possible you have the same non-problem. But you'll check it out when you reconnect to your layout.


So may I suggest, if you actually have a problem on reconnecting, you start a new topic describing it and we can see if we can help with it. 

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Maybe I can help wrap this up...


I have RM-Pro set up with Elite as Controller A with a Select attached as Walkabout for loco control and eLink as Controller B for points operation.


I power up the Hornby kit first and the eLInk goes straight to a steady green light, no noise at all.


I then power up the PC and start RM, which asks if I want to initialise my points. I confirm and the points clatter. The eLink green light remains steady and there is still no noise.


I operate points manually and the situation is the same.


The only time the eLink light status changed was when I was using it for its programming function when the Elite was out of use, then the green light flashed and the relay clicked during active programming operations.


Perhaps if eLink was in use as Controller A and there was a track short there may be more animation from this shiny black box with a green light. Maybe someone else could try that and confirm.



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