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Elite programming


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Start by reading the instructions in the manual!

You cannot just plug an Elite in, and expect it to work, it has to be set up properly!

So - as your query doesn't contain a lot of information, please tell us - step by step, what you have done so far, what the Elite display reads as you do it, and what happens on the programming track.

Version 1.4 is outdated, too, and full of bugs. Elite is using 4.3 now. You will find update instructions on here, if you look. (It WAS a 'sticky' at the top, but it seems to have been moved).

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As Eric says above, it would be desirable to update to the latest firmware before trying to resolve your loco address configuration issue. Version 1.4 firmware had bugs in it. If you want to continue without performing the Elite firmware update then you need to read and follow the instructions on page 10 of your current Elite manual. Remember your loco needs to be placed on the programming track to change the address. If however you want to update your Elite firmware first, then read on:


'How To update' the Elite firmware is detailed in this thread (3rd post down on the page). Note that the links in the thread were written when Elite firmware version 1.43 was current. The current firmware release is now 1.44 so where the text reads 1.43, substitute 1.44. The Elite 1.44 firmware files are available here (top link on the page). Note that you can only update the firmware using a Windows PC. If you are accessing this forum via an Apple or Android device, the upgrade is not supported on these non Windows devices.


Before you can update the Elite firmware, you will need to install the Elite driver on your PC. I am assuming you have got either Windows 7, 8x or 10. It is for these Windows Operating Systems that the instructions linked to above were written. If you have Windows XP or Vista, advise back here in this topic thread for alternative instructions.


After completing the firmware update, make sure that the Elite still powers up with "Standard" and not "Classic" showing in the LCD screen. If the screen briefly shows the word "Classic" change it to "Standard" using the instructions in the later downloaded Elite manual on page 67 - see below.


The paper manual that you have probably got is for pre version 1.41 firmware. If you perform the recommended firmware update to 1.44, then you will need to download the later Elite manual from here. The way you use the Elite had some significant changes in firmware release 1.41 and above. Hence the need for a copy of the new updated manual. In this new manual, programming loco addresses is covered from page 15. In the old Elite manual, programming a second loco is covered on page 10.

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If I can just add to the update first, then we can help with the programming. If you really have v1.4 and not v1.4x, this version was current for less than 6 months before the chorus of complaints about bugs led to v1.41.  If you follow the instructions Chris has given links for, it is really very simple to update with lots of benefits.

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Thank you for your comments. All I have  done is attatched  the leads to the track & the elite switched on changed to standard  mode. All the display says is 1.4. I have read the instructions.  I Will update on windows 7 I had some problems with windows 10 and my e-link. Thank you for your help.

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On your W10/eLink problem, there should not be any if you have the correct lines in your ini file, there are lots of topics which cover that. You can start with the 2nd top sticky topic in the RM forum, last post. 


And the latest Elite updater works equally well with all windows versions. 

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