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Cost effective dc Adapter for Hornby E link


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Hi firends as you might have noticed cost hornby of power transformer is 30 - 40 pound. hornby uses 6.5mm OD and 3.3 MM ID DC adapter but the commonly available adapter is 2.1mm ID and 5.2mm OD. what is the cost effective way to power Hornby Elink. in less than 10 pounds?

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Welcome to the forum sandyiitm


I cover this in a page on my RailMaster/eLink website so take a look at that...




Whilst you are thinking of buying an adaptor you should be aware that cheap versions of these power supplies from a certain country in the east can be less worthy of their purchase value and no good after a couple of uses.

Spending a few more pounds to the region of around £15 up should suffice on the fleebay site if you do go down that route. Just check carefully, as you would for all purchases, the history of the seller etc. and figure out if comments are manufactured or genuine. Common sense really.


I have a 4 amp version of one of these and have had no bother with it for a couple of years and use it along with other appliances and tests when needed. As long as the ampage and voltage is OK then an dapator can even be used to fit the plug to the eLink unit very easily.

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Don't confuse the cost of the Hornby 4 amp brick power supply with the much cheaper wall-wart 1 amp supply.


Your post talks to the 1 amp supply but eludes to the larger 4 amp unit.


Do you even need a 4 amp supply in favour of the 1 amp supply already provided with eLink.


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I automatically assumed a 4A supply was being looked at here... nonetheless both are expensive and cheaper alternatives can be found easily. The same still applies, of course as you are already aware, about the polarity, possible use of an adaptor if required etc...

So I guess Sandy is only looking at the 1A version? Either way they are easily found.

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Agreed AC

I think someone eventually found the correct size jack plug to suit the Hornby application in Maplin's or RS so any suitable power supply could have its output lead re-plugged.


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