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CV issue/DCC

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I have just completed my layout and starting to add my locos. Unfortunately they only work as default 003 as a decoder ID as I get errors when trying to update the CV’s. All items are brand new I am running railmastee elink in windows 10. I have tried to select a few less CV’s to read and the error moves down to manufacturer ID. I would appreciate any help in getting the CV’s to update so I can run multiple locos. Thanks

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Stating the obvious here, but are you placing the loco on your programming track piece directly connected to the 'Prog A&B' terminals on the rear of the eLink.


If you are, make sure that all the wired connections are secure and that the programming track and loco wheels are spotlessly clean. Also, try again with the main track A&B connection disconnected from the rear of the eLink (i.e ONLY the Prog A&B connection made).


You state you get 'errors'. Please be specific.....state the 'error message dialogue' you get on screen and/or describe in more detail what the 'errors' are. This will give clues to potential issues.


Also, state what screen in RailMaster you are using to read/write loco CVs and what screen icons you are clicking. We cannot necessarily assume that you are using the correct procedure. Therefore we need to understand what procedure you are using to assess whether it is correct or not (you would not believe how many new users say "I am following the manual instructions", only to find out later that the user has misunderstood the manual and doing it wrong.......not their fault as the Hornby manual documentation is not the best).

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