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I have two Triang class 37 diesels they run fine with their X04 motors but with Hornby selling the TTS sound chips as a separate item will they work on these locos? i doubt they will as the Triang locos ive converted to normal DCC  have DCC CONCEPTS or GAUGEMASTER chips inside them so will the TTS sound chips work on these class 37s?l 

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If the motor draw and that of any lights is kept within the low TTS current capability then yes, else no. The TTS decoder specification is clearly listed in all the TTS manuals downloadable from any TTS loco page.

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The spec says TTS decoders will handle 800mA total load incl functions and up to 1 Amp peak for short duration.  This should be sufficient for an X04 unless it is in really bad condition.  That said, it's always best to do a stall current test to confirm. 

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