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TTS Challenges on Select controller


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Just recieved my first loco with TTS sound. Im using Hornby Select controller and instruction booklet says press F1 to turn sound on and also lists other "F" varients for other sounds. How do you access this on a Select controler as I can only find the Function button which is press for on or off and this does not seem to turn on the much anticipated sound.

Any suggestions will be appreciated 

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You press number 1 then the Function button. It's all in the manual. This turns F1 on. You do it again to turn it off. Ditto any other function.


Of interest what is the sequence of numbers on screen as your Select starts up. See the manual first pages for an explanation.


If you want to be able to access all TTS functions then your Select needs to be at version 1.5.  



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Your power-up sequence indicates that you have the current version 1.5 firmware. Function control procedures were different in the previous 1.4 & 1.3 firmware versions. You are using the wrong procedure, just pressing the Function button and nothing else, is the shortcut for turning on lights of the locos fitted with directional lights (F0). To turn on and off other Functions (F1 to F28) you use multiple keys. The appropriate page from the firmware version 1.5 manual is replicated below:


Note that you enter the Function number FIRST, before pressing the Function button, not the other way round. Function number 1 (F1) is used to turn the TTS sound on and off. Then other higher function numbers control individual sounds appropriate to your particular model as listed on the loco instruction sheet.




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