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Help needed with R3382TTS


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After almost 12-months since placing my pre-order for Merchant Navy (Original) 'Holland-Afrika' No. 35023, I've just received it at long last. Much to my dismay I'm having trouble programming it and as such would like some guidance as to what might be the problem. My layout is some 8 years old and is controlled by a 'Select' with original software 11 30. When placing the complete loco on my programming track and following the normal given procedure to allocate a code (something I've done successfully many times before) in this case 28, the LED  flashes 8 times which suggests a problem, even despite several further attempts there is no response. The programming track is clean and connections to same are fine. To prove the procedure I'm following is correct I've even re-programmed another loco I have without any problem.

Maybe other members have experienced the same problem with this recently released model and like me are at a loss as to what the problem might be or how to overcome it.

Regards Cackey

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Not the answer to your problem but as you now have a TTS loco you may want to consider getting Hornby to update your Select firmware as this will allow you to play all the sounds rather than be limited to nine I think it is with your version 1.1.


You obviously know your way around the Select programming sequence and all about programming tracks having proven other decoders can be readdressed succefully, so hopefully others will not ask you to spell that procedure out.


Will the decoder take any address if it is refusing 28.


Normally we would suggest a decoder reset but you can't do that with a Select, so the only advice I can offer is a reset of the Select, but as it works with other decoders this is slim chance of it improving things.


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@Cackey........I have experienced in the past where a decoder would not accept a particular address number but would accept others.........so try , say address 27 or 29 for example.........if 27 is already allocated and the Merchant Navy accepts this then change the loco that's 27 to 28, see if that works........HB

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I read on another forum where a TTS decoder had latched out when using another particular manufacturers controller, but the poster also specifically said 'but not when using a Select or a xyz...'.


By latched out I presume he meant the decoder locked up and would not respond either to programming or operation.


The poster could not explain why this should happen but said it snapped out of it when programmed with another controller type or when left off track for a few days.


I would be interested in if either scenarios could be shown to recover the decoder by people currently having addressing problems. The latter if it works may be useful to users until we can work out if there is a problem and what that problem is. I have also heard that if you put electronics in the freezer for an hour or so that realigns their electrical-thingumajigs, but try that one at your own risk.


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That certainly got my iPod working again. I put mine in a zip-lock bag (as per YT guidance and presumably to keep the ice crystals out of the gubbins) and left it there overnight. It seemed foolhardy, but I figured if it isn't working now what is there to lose? No idea how it works. I am pleased to report that said iPod is running perfectly now. R-

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Hi Cackey,,,,Some decoders have a mind of there own ,,,,I use a NCE powercab ,,,I've got five tts locos and at least two of them will only accept a 4 digit address to run the loco ,yesterday I installed two newish locos with Lenz decoders ,one would run on a 2 digit address but the other would only run on a 4 digit ,,,then I tried to re-address a merchant navy ,( rebuilt ) it won't even try to program a new address ,it is stuck on 3 ,,,,,,i presume it is fine on factory default 3 ,,if so you might have to leave it at that ,,,,,mjb

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If your NCE controller ( a reputable make) doesn't play nice with Lenz decoders (supposedly top notch and the gold standard for all things DCC according to many) then there is no hope for the rest of us with normal kit.


Usually 2 digit addresses are mandated by limited capability of some basic controllers and those controllers that can handle 4 digit addresses only have them invoked by a setting in CV29. It is possible that a limited capability controller is trying and failing to operate a 4 digit address due to an incorrect setting of CV29, compounded by the controller not being able to reset a decoder. If your controller allows it look at the values in CV1, CVs17 & 18 and CV29 to determine what is the actual address in use.



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Some observations, starting with the OP:


Cackey, its brand new and it doesn't work - take it back under warranty. Even if it is only misaligned electrical-thingumajigs, surely they should have come aligned in the first place, take it back!


Rob, we need to talk separately about said alignment issue. My memory may be fading these days but I don't remember any coverage of such a phenomenon in my electronics studies?


Setting CVs v setting loco IDs - now I may be wrong but I get the impression reading some posts concerning short and long IDs that is necessary to adjust CV29 by itself to go from one to the other.  This is simply not the case. All of the correct settings of CV29 and the writing of the parts of the address itself which go into CVs17/18 are done automatically by the controller as part of its setting long ID routine.  And similarly if you go from long to short ID.  Which also explains why you should use a controller's ID Setting procedure to change the loco ID, not its separate CV writing procedure, unless of course you like doing such things the long-winded way. The exception of course is you can't expect a Select to successfully write a short ID to any decoder set long as the Select is completely incapable of doing the necessary CV29 change.


PS.  Got logged out writing that one, incl being distracted by the dog while writing. 

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Hi everyone

Today I've had a little more time to investigate the problem a little more and to try out some of your suggestions. I first tried allocating some alternative address codes, with little success. The only thing that seemed to suddenly happen on one occasion was that the loco unexpectedly burst into life and ran at quite a rate of knots along my programming track, thankfully without damage ☹️ I then tried mjb's suggestion and reverted to trying factory default code 3, amazingly my new acquisition now responds to my commands 😀 although only limited functions are possible and as RAF96 kindly pointed out, I will get Hornby to upgrade my controller to the latest firmware in the near future. Unfortunately as is the norm I've run out of time. So a big 'Thank You' to everyone for pointing me in the right direction and I will endeavour to spend more time, fine tuning it's programming. People used to say to me 'that when you retire you will never understand how you used to find the time to have a full time job' and just how right they were  🤔

Many thanks once again


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Good to hear you are making progress. As we say in Cyprus - siga, siga which means slowly, slowly - the pace of life here.


We have all had to suffer the learning curve. You will be able to see over the top soon.


If you turn that runaway loco on its back and apply a 9v battery direct to the wheels, and they spin then you know DC running is enabled in CV29 which is the normal cause of runaways. Disable it if you can to stop the problem, using info about CV29 adjustment on these forums.



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Yes Rob, I of course realize the mythical status but we need more myths in electronics, the theory is far too restrictive. 


Cackey, DC Runaway isn't a myth, it's an unfortunate reality brought about by all manner of poor contact, temporary  short circuits etc, anything that interrupts the DCC signal and makes the decoder think it's DC instead.  The fix is to turn it off in CV29 but not if you have a Select which doesn't have any capability to adjust CV29.  You will just have to keep your track and wheels spotlessly clean, pickups correctly tensioned and avoid shorts, at least until you upgrade your controller to a real one.

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Hi, I seem to be having similar problem, just recieved same loco after similar pre order dealys. Placed it on programming track, immediately get sound but no movement. Using Select unit with 1.5 firmware, have tried default 03 but nothing, tried alternative LA but no movement. other locos can have adresses changed and work fine, I am not a youn person and techonology is not my greatest forte but can anyone point me in the right direction on how to get movement to go with the sound

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You will not get movement on the programming track Ash as the current is restricted by NMRA regs to 200mA, so once programmed you need to put it back to main track and try there.


Just check also that the address is actually changing or not by trying to run it on 003.


You say your other locos are OK so you are probably aware of this, if so and the TTS loco still doesn't work on the main then my apologies.


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