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Select problem


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Hi all got a slight problem with a hornby select  i set up a loop of track from bits i had lying around one of the bits of track is a dc power track used as just a piece of straight i have a dcc power track in the loop also with the select connected to it but when i put a dcc loco on the track it wont move could the dc power track be effecting the dcc signal sometimes the loco wil crawl along or bolt off at full speed and the only way to stop is to cut power to the select...the loco runs perfectly on another dcc layout i have with an elink connected

Thanks in advance pebo...

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Yes it could even though it isn't the way the DCC power is being led in.

Either replace the track or prise off the cover and snip out the capacitor.

Runaway is a classic indication of the DCC signal being seen by the loco as DC at max chat.


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